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  1. B

    This a sign of a bored cat?

    It's been a while since I've been here, but having a issue with my cat.  My mom and brother are both getting fed up with it and they keep saying they're going to declaw her, then say they're only joking, I don't know what to think anymore about it.  But the cat will just randomly attack them...
  2. B

    Keeping a cat away from roach killer stuff?

    Well, I bought a mattress off of craigslist and when we got it in the house we started seeing water bugs or roaches every few days. I don't know if it is the mattress, but we were going to lay some stuff down to get rid of everything. What should we do with our cat? Would she get into it or...
  3. B

    What's up with cats pushing things off stuff?

    Our cat does the funniest thing. She jumps up on say a dresser and then just starts pushing anything she can off. Why does she do it? Just a curious question really. I find it funny. One time she knocked off the powder box in my mom's bathroom and it all spilled out lol. Cats are funny and...
  4. B

    Going to the vet tomorrow, but anyone know what this is?

    I'm taking Maggie to the vet tomorrow about this, but anyone know what's going on with her? She's got clear stuff coming out of her eyes. She sneezes a lot. I've heard her all throughout the day. She'll sit and it'll be like she's about to throw up or something, but it sounds like she's...
  5. B

    My mom wants to give the cat away because of what happened last night...

    My mom wants to give Maggie away because of what happened to my brother last night. She just jumped and wouldn't let go of his leg and there's 2-3 deep scratches on his leg now. I think she was just playing, but she's never done this much damage playing before, so I don't know. My mom didn't...
  6. B

    Update on Maggie so you don't think we took her back =).

    Just wanted to post a little update on how Maggie is doing. We've had her like 3 or so months now and she's doing fine. Though she still runs from me, well, just walks off, but she lays with my mom all the time . Why won't she do that with me, I'm the one whose here day in and day out and...
  7. B

    Guess what Maggie just did tonight...

    Guess what Maggie did tonight. I'm still pissed ff about it to . But how can you stay mad at a cat like Maggie. She knocked over my freaken huge ass LCD monitor, it's 30" (im a geek lol). Knocked it over trying to jump on it like she does to the big old fat eMac I have lol. I started...
  8. B

    Look where Maggie ended up getting to...

    Look where Maggie got to. She was ontop of my server rack but I forgot to get a picture of it lol. She still loves under beds though.
  9. B

    Maggie seems more at home, but strange that she's started to shy from me :(

    Well, she seems more at home, but she's also shying away from me more now. Where in the beginning I was the only one she would be around, or close to.
  10. B

    My cat is LAZY and not playful :(

    My cat is super lazy. She'll sleep during the day, maybe wake up for a rubbing or two, will not sit in your lap unless she wants to, and that's not often. She'll sometimes randomly dart off if you come near her, try and pounce on you if she's under the bed or something. I've had that happen...
  11. B

    How can I make some fun climbing things for little cost :(

    I don't have alot of cash to buy a nice big cat tree for my cat, so what can I do to make some nice climbing things for the cat. Will she even use it? All she does is just walk around the house now or sit and watch out the window . I want a more active cat, but I also love her XD.
  12. B

    So, who has a blog for their cats?

    Who here has a blog for their cats? I just set one up for mine. Am I the only one who has done this or do you all have blogs that are written from the point of view of your cats? I've not only made a blog for her, but also an email address. Is this ok lol? maggie[at]bryceeason[dot]net
  13. B

    I eat a LOT of shrimp, is it ok for the cat?

    I eat a TON of shrimp, and I mean a ton. I eat it almost daily. I'm wondering after cooking it and all, is it ok to let the cat have a shrimp or two like once a week or something or should I stay away from that period? What about canned tuna? Right now we have her on hard food as it's...
  14. B

    How can I convince my mom to let me foster a cat or something from the SPCA?

    We just gt a cat, and I love it and all, but seeing all those other cats up there makes me want to adopt or foster them until they're adoptable, etc. She says she doesn't want another one, but I wonder if I could convince her otherwise. I hope that SPCA is a no-kill place . I am 21, but still...
  15. B

    Any advice on getting the cat to learn it's name?

    Any advice on getting my cat to learn it's name? Right now, I've gotta tap the floor for her to come over to me while calling her name. Then she gets over to me and I go "good maggie" and just keep doing that whenever I call her. Any other advice?
  16. B

    Why does my cat get low and then take off down the hall?

    Why is it I'll be sitting here and my cat gets down like she's about to pounce and then takes off down the hallway and comes back just as fast. Funny to watch really lol. Also, why is she scaling my chair and it's vertical XD.
  17. B

    Introducing Maggie, aka Mag.

    Just thought I'd show a picture of my cat. Her name is Maggie and she's 1 year old. Everyone's asleep but me so I figure that's why she's in here with me. Though, I work from home and I'm the only one here for the day mostly, until 3pm when my younger brother gets out of school. So, you...
  18. B

    Just got a cat and have some questions.

    I just got a cat and have some questions. I'm a dog person, but wanted to get a cat just because I've heard their intelligent and they can pretty much look after themselves. I'm so attached to it now lol. Anyways, I don't know what breed it is, but it's black, short hair, green eyes. Is it...