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  1. 4

    disaster...need help...

    We have had a very similar problem with a young male coming in and attacking the older male, and totally freaking out the two females in the meantime. Our 11 year old male spent most of last year hiding in a box, with the younger male sitting on top of the box waiting to terrorise him if he...
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    Help, new to this website URINE PROBLEMS!!!

    I have exactly the same problem, with our Jeffrey urinating on clean laundry and blankets. We also have three other cats. Honestly, I doubt your cat needs meds for this problem. What meds is she on, and for what reason? It sounds more to me like Mandarin never really got the idea of the litter...
  3. 4

    Yellow vomit

    Our Jeffrey has just produced a significant amount of yellow vomit (the colour of butter). He seems fine otherwise, but hasn't eaten much today. Any ideas, should we be worried?
  4. 4

    Moles? Lumps?

    A carpal pad is not really like a normal pad, it's more like a small lump and often has a couple of hairs or whisker type things growing out of it - exactly as you describe. My cats don't like theirs being touched either. I think your kitty is safe, but obviously if you are really worried check...
  5. 4

    Moles? Lumps?

    Do you mean the carpal pad? Here's a description: "A slightly mysterious special feature of the cat is the single carpal pad which lies behind and above the other pads on the feet, and doesn't come into contact with the ground. This pad doesn't play a part in normal locomotion, but it is...
  6. 4

    Loulou seems to be permanently hungry

    Thanks everyone for your support. We'll see if she changes her habits now that we've wormed her. And we'll get the blood test done straight after Christmas. Interesting about the hyperthyroidism - the only thing is that she is not losing weight, which seems to be a symptom... The vet mentioned...
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    Loulou seems to be permanently hungry

    For the last couple of months our Loulou (10years old, spayed) has seemed to be constantly hungry. We have three other cats and she goes round finishing up what they don't want, but still she demands more throughout the day (we don't give in though). She's always had this tendency (we call her...
  8. 4

    Another bullying problem - need help!

    We have four indoor cats in a huge apartment with access to a huge (fenced-in balcony). All are spayed/neutered, two are female, two male. There are no problems with the females, but in the last month or so, our youngest cat Jeffrey (18 months, rescued of the streets) has started bullying George...
  9. 4

    Crystals in urine

    Our 10-year-old Loulou has been suffering with crystals for a while. Vets have messed around a bit, first of all treating her for struvite crystals and now for oxalate crystals. There are special diets for both, but suggest you find out which type of crystals Ace has before you start any special...
  10. 4

    Fur changing colour?

    When we took Jeffrey to the vet for a blood test a while back they shaved some fur off his front paw where they were going to insert the needle. Jeffrey is mainly white, with a few tabby patches, including these beautiful golden colour tabby-type markings down the insides of his front paws...
  11. 4

    Please Help - Eating a Tuna Sandwitch for Junebug

    We had a similar situation with Loulou. She started vomiting violently one day a couple of years ago, and vomited at least 12-15 times in a 24-hour period. She was frantically eating as much grass as she could find to help her with the vomiting. We took her to the vet, they did a blood test and...
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    Cat's hiding their pain

    I think it's mainly a survival mechanism, i.e. so that predators can't tell that they are weak and therefore a sitting duck to be attacked.
  13. 4


    BTW, we also tried Feliway and it didn't work - but it's definitely worth a shot! You could also cover the area where he's spraying with aluminium foil, as the urine will then bounce back at him and he won't like it. You also need to be aware that even if the original cause of the spraying is...
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    Loulou has been doing sthg similar (curtains, carpets, furniture, you name it...) for a while, and she was eventually found to have lots of crystals in her urine, so a trip to the vet is essential in the first instance. But pls don't yell at Scooter when you catch him doing this. He won't...
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    Daniel has FIV.

    With FIP nothing is predictable, so I don't know if this is unusual or not, but it's very sad in any case. The problem is, by the time you find out a newly arrived/rescued cat/kitten has FIP/FIV or whatever, they are already well and truly ensconced into your home (and heart!) and been in...
  16. 4

    URI: Treatments that Work?

    This is such a great story, so glad it's all worked out for you and Arwyn. She was definitely lucky to get you (cats seem to have a knack of finding the right person!). Good for you for doing everything possible for her and giving her the chance to get well. She will reward you a thousand-fold...
  17. 4

    Daniel has FIV.

    Further to lotsocats' message, I believe the same more or less applies for FIP. I've done a lot of research on this, and many vets seem to be of the opinion that even if you shut 200 cats in a room sprayed wall to wall with the corona virus, very few of them, if any, would pick up the virus, and...
  18. 4

    Please help my cat

    I presume the vet did a blood test the first time you took Duke in? Did that reveal normal liver/kidney etc function? It does sound kind of toxic - maybe there's some sort of congestion/blockage in the liver, intestines or whatever. Agree with the others, you need another vet pronto. Good luck...
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    Daniel has FIV.

    If it's not practical to keep Daniel separate from the others, you may find it could help to use a bleach/water concoction to spray the litter tray areas every day. That should kill off the virus. Also, wash any towels/pillows etc where he sleeps, regularly, and try to make sure he doesn't share...
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    Cat throwing up....

    If it continues then get Tiki checked by the vet. A couple of years ago Loulou started vomiting a lot (about 10 times in 24 hours - much more than Tiki, obviously) and was frantically eating my spider plants to help her vomit. We went to the vet and they did a blood test, and found a problem...