Search Results

  1. P

    Cat rubs its face all over my legs after a shower

    That means you are his and no cat come near you.
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    My female cat behaves like a male

    I think both male and female cats have territory marking tendencies.
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    mother and daughter problems

    It's just the mature cat reacting to the juvenile angst.
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    Cat Chewing Wood Furniture

    Maybe you could try to paint bitter stuff on the wood.
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    right or left pawed?

    My just jumps at it with both paws. He's 4 and he's male.
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    unhappy/sick cat

    looks like your kitten is just adjusting to her fully healed self.
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    should i put my cat down?

    That is always an option. Given his age. Somethis its just the humane thing to do.
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    EEK got ran over by a car!!

    Now this is love for cats. Imagine all the medical support the cat is getting.
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    a lot of people say this is stress related. maybe you should look into her daily activities.
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    Black Female and Grey Male

    Yup. The two colors preclude the possibility of having other colors.
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    New kitten questions

    Any update? How's her health now? She's a beauty.
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    Why does she sleep on my pillow?

    Cats choose the most random places to be their favorite places sometimes.
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    mother wandering off

    Can cats become like this even with a present litter?
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    Cat Peeing on the bed?

    My cat likes to pee on the rug.