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    Slightly embarrassing feline problem

    Thank you all for your quick responses! She is spayed, yes. No odor was noticeable. Perhaps it is an infection of the anal glands? I am glad I have her appt with the vet on Friday!
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    Slightly embarrassing feline problem

    My 3 year old female cat has an "issue"..when I petted her stomach (she loves to be petted) some white goo came out of her back side. I was horrified! Is this something any of you have heard of? She has a vet appt on Friday for vaccinations, so I will bring it up with her vet, but wanted to...
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    Mr Kitty Pooh Poohs posing

    These pictures really capture his snuggly-ness..too cute!
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    Round Worm Questions

    Hi All, My cat vomited up a long worm, yuck! Took the worm to the vet to be ID'd and it is round worm. The vet got me some Strongid T to administer to my 5 felines now and again in 2 weeks. Are there any other measures I should take to make sure the worms stay away? Is there any way humans...
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    Anyone like German food? Here's the link to my hometown church's cookbook with a list of common foods. They call the kuchen "wedding kuchen" if that helps the translation.
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    Anyone like German food?

    great discussion. I am a "German from Russia" and have eaten all kinds of great German-Russian cuisine. My family lives in the "Sauerkraut Capital of the World", my hometown Wishek, North Dakota. Once a year, in October, people come from far and wide to eat sauerkraut and wieners..go figure...
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    Spa Select Wet Food Recall???

    The only thing they recalled, voluntarily, was a kitten wet food. I believe everything else should have been available still.
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    Mousies under the Fridge,

    haha, too funny. I love the spongebob tag, too.
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    Another day with Rosie and Sophie!

    Wow! What clear, beautiful pictures. Your cats are really darling.
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    Isnt she so cute!

    their meows are just too cute! nice looking little kitties!
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    Bored! Name your 3 Fave bands/artists

    1. tori 2. pj harvey 3. live (i don't really love their recent stuff..but their throwing copper cd makes up for that) other stuff i could listen to a good deal: metallica, kate bush, joni mitchell, bjork, grunge bands (soundgarden, AIC, etc)
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    Help! Petsmart adoption!!

    So cute! Congratulations! It sounds like Sammy will have a great life with your family.
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    The Worst Movies Ever Thread

    Wow! What's with all the Napolean Dynamite hate? I just love how socially ackward Napolean was..I appreciate characters like that! I can't think of a movie I really dislike right now, so I will recommend a good movie that I'm sure some of you have seen already, Little Miss Sunshine. So cute...
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    Regarding Thread Titles..

    I definitely like to know what I am going to be reading about before I open a thread.
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    New hair cut what do u think???

    Your hair looks great, and healthy! I am jealous! Do you straighten your hair? I use a straightening iron frequently and just can't get my hair to grow past a certain length, probably because of the heat damage. All the colors you have had look nice on you..
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    Do you let your kids on the table?

    we try to keep our cats off the kitchen counters, and they know that they shouldn't be up there. when they hear the faucet go on and they are on the counter they know they need to run. we are consistent in this matter. they are allowed on the table in the dining area though, like so many...