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    What else besides boiled rice and chicken?

    Hi folks. Well Lucky seems to have a mild case of diarrhea. I have heard white rice and boiled chicken can help but he wonâ€8482t eat that (rarely will he eat any human food). Any suggestions? Thank-you!!
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    Cat insurance in NYC?

    Hi folks. Happy New Year! So I've never gotten pet insurance before but living in one of the most expensive cities in the world...I wonder if it would be wise to. What are your thoughts on this? And if you recommend it...anyone have insurance in NYC that they recommend? Thanks so much everyone!
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    How much does your cat drink?

    Hi folks. Lucky's mom writing. (she's a 1 1/2 year old female that I inherited from my grandmother). She drinks a lot more than my childhood cat but seems healthy and pretty active. I'm just trying to have a gage. She always drinks after she eats and normally then goes to the litterbox about 5...
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    Screensavers for cats?

    Hi folks. I'm saving up for some of those videos/dvd's of nature to keep my NYC stuck cat a bit more entertained. Any suggestions on good ones? Till then...I am going to try to get a screensaver that might be interesting for her...any suggestions on that front? Btw folks...I'm becoming addicted...
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    How much behavior is "normal?"

    Hi folks. So I've had Lucky for about a month now and am absolutely in love with her My question today is regarding activity. As some of you know, I live in a studio apt. in NYC so she doesn't have stacks of room to run around in. I give her lots of love at night and play with her about 15 min...
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    She's eating too much! Help!:)

    Hi folks. So I changed my Lucky's food from some cheap Purina/kitten food she had been given (previous owner) to Iams furball/weight management food for adults. Lucky is not that active as I live in a studio and there is only SO much she can run back and forth (though I try to give her a...
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    Good Toys for when you are away from home?

    Hi folks. So for those of you that wrote in with advice of moving Lucky from my grandmother's big house in FL to my little studio in NY...all is well. She's adjusted really well I think. She is very very clingy but I'm hoping this is just because she's only been here 2 weeks. I can never give...
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    What's the least traumatic for my cat?

    My grandmother recently passed away and I will be the new owner of my her 1 1/2 year old cat Lucky. Right now Lucky is living in my grandmother's house with my grandmother's friend but the house is for sale and as soon as it's sold, the friend will move and I will take Lucky. Some people have...