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  1. M

    I am about to go crazy with my male cat

    I have had LittleFoot for almost 11 years now and his marking is getting worse if that is possible. I am at my witts end I have taken him to the vet several times, and had him tested for all sorts of non-existent problems I have tried felway and all the other brands of cat soothing crap to a...
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    Update on the kitty with no claws

    After taming Smoky enough to get a hold of her, we took her to the vet and got all her shots and a clean bill of health.  We believe her to be a Russian Blue because of her makings and color, she has no front claws, and is fixed happy smiles! She is living upstairs in our spare bedroom right...
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    Cat without claws

    PROLOG:  It seems we just can't stop from feeding the stray and feral cats in my neighborhood.  My husband and I have 6 cats in the house we have saved from death or worse (neglect & abuse).  The last one we took in, is a long hair, adult male, tuxedo, that is deaf (after having him tested and...
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    FLP shot and new cat

    Hello everyone it has been a while since I have written here.  I have an issue I am wondering if anyone can share some insight with me.  Is there a Vet that reviews issues here? I have been feeding a stray cat in my back yard for about a year now.  I got him fixed a long time ago, but his cries...
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    Fixing Male Feral

    We have been feeding feral & abandoned cats for a while now. I finally talked my husband into getting them fixed. I caught one and took it to the vet (with a coupon for lesser cost). When I picked it up I noticed that it shook its head and fell down god we own a pool and all I could imagine...
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    now i feel stupid

    I caught the "Red" cat on my porch spent all day putting stuff in his ears and on his wounds. I even got a new cat brush. When I woke up this morning I went to feed him and he had gotten out. I trusted that he would like the attention and how i was trying to heal him. But, he left Now I...
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    YEAAAA!!! I caught one

    After much talking and trying to convince my husband it was the right thing to do. This morning the "Red" cat came for feeding (it has been 4 days since we seen him last) I put his food on our screened in back porch. He was very frightful but he did come in to eat and i shut the door on him...
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    capturing ferals

    I have been reading some of the posts here and am wondering... The ferals we have in our back yard eat and leave. Should I be trying to make them stay? hugs Menou Lover
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    Oh my what to do?

    Well hello again my friends. It seems like a long time since I was last here. When one of my kitties die it takes me a while to grieve. Here is my questions. How old is to old to get grown feral male cats neutered? We have been feeding one in our back yard for about 3 years and I still...
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    Cold Weather and Feral Cat

    We have been feeding a feral cat in my back yard. It does not trust us yet but has gone from skinny to fat and healthy looking. We have tried many different types of shelter but he is scared and won't come near any of them. The most he has trusted from my family is a blanket and a piece of...
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    cat looking for dead sibling

    We just lost Sheba to cancer (9/22/09) Tuesday. We have 5 remaining cats in the home. We need to grieve the loss of our dear pet that is the way of life. How do you help cats with their grief? There is one in particular we are worried about her sibling Shela. Shela was the runt and attached...
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    I cried so hard yesterday (sept 22) the problem with having and loving so many animals is when something negative hapens to one of them. one of our 3.5 year old female cats was diagnosed with small intestine cancer yesterday. they want to open her up and try to remove it but they don't have...
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    Very Sad Times Indeed :(

    my bleeds for what is happening right now more than ever in the world. There are more and more poor cats being let go in my neighborhood from people loosing their homes or not being able to feed their pets. We own 6 indoor cats already and my husband has told me several times enough is...
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    My Mom

    I understand this page is for our pets. But would anyone mind if I post here about loosing my mom a few days ago? My mother has always been in pain. During her lifetime she had broken her back and neck at different times but, did not sever her spinal column. So with many operations she was...
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    I am so sad LittleFoot won't stop spraying

    I am at my wits end. I wish there was a cat whisperer like on tv for dogs. Actually my whole family wishes there was someone who could help us. I have called Davis Vet College and they want so much money to talk to you plus is extra amount for any other cat/pet involved. I have 6 cats...
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    non neutered and outside cat! NEED HELP

    I just typed what seemed like a book on my problem, hit the wrong key and poof it was gone. So problem in a nut shell is: What can I use to keep cats out of my yard that won't hurt them? Long story short new neighbors with outside male cat marking my house, yards, doors, etc... If I...
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    need to find home for some cats in michigan

    If this is the wrong place to post please move to the right place please. I received a call to come home my mother is very ill. Well I came to Port Huron MI to find my mother incapable of taking care of herself and longer and refusing to go to a home because no one will take care of her cats...
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    New cat food "Go"

    Anyone know anything about this cat/dog food? My pet barn does not have a lot of selection of cat foods that are approved by our resident nutritionist The sales person told me that it was a new really good cat food. I bought a small bag and some cans. hugs Menou Lover
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    Good people in the world

    When I was at petco today (10/3/07) I started chatting with a woman who had 25 cats all indoors. I asked her which food she liked best and she pointed to one but told me with 25 cats she could not afford that food. I snagged the biggest bag they had and walked to the checkout with her. I...
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    A funny for all you animal lovers

    On the first day, God created the dog and said: "Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. For this, I will give you a life span of twenty years." The dog said: "That's a long time to be barking. How about only ten years and I'll give you back the...