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    bathing very small kittens

    I had a litter of kittens once that were horribly infested with fleas because the mother had fleas. At 2 weeks we were using plain Dawn dish detergent on the kittens, it killed the live fleas and cleaned the babies wonderfully and didn't dry their coats. Be sure and rinse them well. When you...
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    Loco, again!

    These cats have been together all of their lives. Loco and the other male have been neutered since they were around 9 months old. The only change in the house is the loss of the mother of 2 of my cats Baby, she has been gone for 3 months. My daughter carelessly allowed her out of the house...
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    Loco, again!

    Hello fellow cat lovers, I haven't been here in a bit, not for lack of need mind you. My Darling Orange Tiger Loco is at it again with more attitude than ever before. He is becoming so nasty with the rest of the house that I just don't know what to do. He is beginning to hurt the other cats...
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    Loco is being a naughty boy, meany to the rest.

    I just hate to see Loco pick at Romeo, he is such a gentle soul. I do miss my Baby, she was such a verbal cat. I still look for her everytime I leave the house. It is funny how much her daughter Dimples is taking on her role, she is the "family groomer and hugger" now like her Mom was...
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    Cats playing with poop.

    My darlings do the same thing, I have 4 and they play tag team soccer. However, they only use the poop when they have gotten all of their toys caught under the furniture or when it is time to get them new stuff. They do it out of boredom usually. If you scoop as often as possible and provide...
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    Loco is being a naughty boy, meany to the rest.

    Since Baby has been gone, one of my neutered males has become the "leader of the pack" and the power has corrupted him completely. I believe I posted this in someones thread, but I really do need some information and some advice on how to slow this little fiendish feline down. Baby was most...
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    I missed being here, glad to be well and back

    Hello fellow cat lovers, I am so glad that I am back up to feeling like myself again. I had surgery to clear out some gallstones that were left behind from the first surgery, and just about everything that could go wrong did. I had a long and difficult recovery, during which time I let my...
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    do cats need each other?

    You may find that you cannot seperate them anyways after so long a time together. My Romeo and Dimples were born number 1 & 2 in the evening and 3 & 4 were born the next day. these two have always been inseperable. I found a great home for Romeo and the woman who had him said all he did was...
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    suckling on clothes && fuzzy things

    I think alot of kittens and cats do this sort of thing. My 2 year old "plays the piano" on anyting soft in the house, sometimes they all lick me, and occasionally even the 7 month old will look for ninnys on my other 2 year old female. I think its fine, they comfort themselves. Funny story...
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    Change in behaviour (due to bereavement)

    My Beautiful Baby was lost by the carelessness of a house guest, they were staying with me while down and didn't shut the screen and out she went. I searched for her for days and just could not find her, I expanded my search and had my young relatives on the lookout too. The cats were as upset...
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    It is so good to see my cats free of fleas again

    I will tell you, battling fleas in the summer is a horrible problem. I gave up the pet store and and super market types of flea sprays and powders. Even though the Advantage is fairly expensive and it hurts my budget, it does my heart so much good to see these guys running around the house...
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    Skittles had babies....

    I missed everything. I am so glad that she had those babies, and that she had them so fast. I thought she would go fast, she was just getting ready all that time. She knew what she was doing, we were the ones that were having a fit. Jenny, Skittles is such a lucky cat to have you for her...
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    Update on SKittles

    When mine had trouble, she came out of her nest and right to me. Skittles and you are very close, I think she will come to you for help. And if she has problems, she will make a sound that you will recognize as pain and you will know. I don't mean to sound scary, but you will know don't worry...
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    How do you know when your cat is in heat?

    They will spay a kitten at 2lbs ? Isn't that really young? Wow how things have changed, didn't it used to be not until they had their first heat or were 6 months? I am afraid to put my little ones under a general anesthesia so small. Am I living in the last century, my kids say I am
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    What to do about Romeo, mean to the kitten

    My scolding isn't much of a scolding I tell him he is being a bad boy. I don't believe in yelling at animals, they don't deserve to be yelled at, they function on there own set of rules. I kinda don't want to spay her, she is an indoor cat and the boys are done already, I am afraid she will...
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    Update on SKittles

    Hello, she is still hanging in there I see. How are you feeling? I hope that your ankle is feeling better, you are a trooper to handle that pain with no pain meds.
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    my new bengal stud

    I am a huge fan of Siamese cats, and we had one when I was a child, I love the personality as much as the look. I never heard of these cats until I came to this site, and never saw a full photo until I saw the retired Queen last couple of weeks ago. He is beautiful, she was beautiful, these...
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    Update on SKittles

    Nature is kind, she has a ton of pushing to do, so at least the dilating is not too traumatic for her. I know I have said this alot but she is so pretty, and from what you have said she has a sweet personality, you are going to have nice babies.
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    Update on SKittles

    She is having contractions I think. The question is are they labor or is it just preperation. What day is it again? With all of this early labor she may have a quick birth (relatively speaking given the number of kittens) since it seems like her uterus is ready. We hope for her sake and yours.
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    My kitten has an absess in her paw

    Cats will eat canned pumpkin, I never heard such a thing. I will try that tonite.