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  1. K

    Ear scabs

    Sweetie was spayed about 12 days ago and we had to keep an elizabethan collar on her for about a week after the surgery to keep her from licking her stitches. While she was in the collar she would frequently try to scratch her ears (which obviously couldn't happen with the collar on), but I...
  2. K

    Sweetie is better than an alarm clock...but I can't turn it off!

    Our 14 week old kitten, Sweetie, has developed an annoying habit. She has gotten used to my husband getting up to go to work between 5:30 and 6:00 a.m. The past two weekends she has started standing at the bedroom door wailing between those times waiting for him to come out. We can't let her...
  3. K

    Nail trimming advice

    I've been trying to regularly trim 12 week old Sweetie's nails. As she gets older it gets to be more and more of a circus. I've read through alot of old posts on the subject and know that many people have better luck by wrapping the cat in a towel and pulling out one paw at a time to work on...
  4. K

    What age to introduce a cat flap?

    I'm curious what age you can start to introduce a cat flap. I would love to keep the litterbox in the garage, but need to put in a cat flap in the door. Sweetie is about 14 weeks old right now. Thanks! Kelley H.
  5. K

    Concerned over kitten behavior

    We have a new kitten in the house. Best guess is she is about 8 weeks old now. She's been with us for 2 weeks. I'm concerned that we may have some wacky behavior starting...or perhaps it is just kitten behavior and I don't have to worry. I need some advice! When Sweetie first came home with...