Search Results

  1. G

    Steroid shots and coughing/sneezing

    My 7 year old male received a steroid shot on Tuesday for asthma (first time) 3-4 days later he has been doing this cough/sneeze thing and acting "off" he is still eating, drinking, going to the bathroom, and will half play with a string if you give him one but he's a lot more subdued. Is all...
  2. G

    3 cat household

    We have introduced a 3rd cat into the house and are struggling a little. The first two are extremely well behaved, quiet cats. The new one we brought home is loud, and keeps fighting to try and show dominance. I understand this is normal behaviour but anything we can do to help the transition...
  3. G

    Introduction Experts

    I have a 1 year old cat that we have had since June. Yesterday we adopted a 2 year old. We let them briefly see eachother through the cat carrier and my one year old hissed a couple of times. We have been keeping the newcomer separate, but today we opened the door a crack so they could see...
  4. G

    Diabetic cat not eating/Ate some seedlings

    Help!! my cat is newly diagnosed as diabetic, we had a good schedule going with giving him insulin. Monday he went for a glucose curve and the vet upped his dose to 2 units and he seemed to be doing fine. Wed we came home from work to find that he had eaten two seedlings I was growing on my...
  5. G

    so frustrated :(

    we have two cats about 5 years old. one is extremely needy and jealous and i have always been the one that mainly gives him attention. for the past couple of months he has been spraying in the basement due to a neighbourhood cat my husband feeds and pets. we are almost positive this is why as...
  6. G

    cat peeing/spraying

    I have two 5 year old male, neutered cats. One of them has either been spraying, or peeing around the house. We are not sure which one, but we have a pretty good idea because he has always been extremely jealous and needy lol. On the weekend I noticed that he had sprayed/peed in the dirty...
  7. G

    Male cat trying to mate with another male

    I just watched my male cat mount my other male cat who was sleeping, bite the back of his neck, and make a humping motion on him. Was he trying to mate with him, or show some kind of dominance? They are both neutered.
  8. G

    My cat smells.

    Only a little. I have been trying to google it online and I am just coming up with the cat being sick. My cat is acting normal, right now he is purring and licking me/himself. So clearly he can still groom, he is only 3, he is an indoor cat, I am pretty sure he is not sick. I don't believe there...
  9. G

    Cat doesn't shut up!!

    lol! I know someone else wrote about this but theirs was concerning a new cat. We have had our cats for almost a year now, and the one has just started constantly meowing within the last couple of months or so. He meows ALL THE TIME!!! the only thing I can think of is that he wants attention...
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    I don't know if this is the right forum or not, if it isn't it can be moved to the right one. We get this notice today that there are COCKROACHES in the building. This really makes me mad. Now to start, our apartment is not a dump, it is fairly decent. What what makes me even more mad is that...
  11. G


    Sometimes my cat will make weird sounds. It is almost like they are trying to throw up, but they never do. They put their heads low to the groud and it sounds almost like they are coughing or sneezing and they will do it for a minute or two. I have had this happen with every cat I have ever...
  12. G

    Meowing at the ceiling

    well first it was digging up the plant, then it was opening the fridge, now its the meowing. my cat sure keeps me coming back he has been meowing at the cieling constantly. at first it was because he light spots from the sun. but today its cloudy and he wont stop meowing. he keeps jumping on...
  13. G

    Cat opens the fridge!

    we have two brothers that are about 10 months old and are VERY curious. They are extremely good cats. they do not bite or scratch us ever and they usually are well behaved. But lately they have been acting up. the one dug up a plant and now we have to keep it in the bathroom because he keeps...