Search Results

  1. M

    Lost cat

    I went out of town and my husband left the door open while doing renovation work and the cat got out. I didn't get home until she had been missing for 1.5 days. I've walked the neighborhood day and night shaking treats and calling her. It has been four days now and I've flyered the neighborhood...
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    Problem Peeing

    I had a quick question on problem peeing. My cat does this occasionally, but is generally very good about using the litterbox. When he was a kitten, he peed in an open suitcase on the ground and an empty laundry basket. I take care not to leave things around that resemble litterboxes now...
  3. M

    Can stress cause diarrhea?

    I recently moved myself and two cats from Texas to Nevada. They were both noticeably stressed with the drive and the move. Naya has acclimated well, but Meowser has not. His behavior is different, including occasional fits of hissing at Naya. He has also had continuing diarrhea for the several...
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    Moving experiences

    I'm moving from Texas to Nevada tomorrow with my 2 cats in the backseat. I'm placing puppy pads inside my large dog carrier that will be housing both of them. I also have ace to sedate both of them. The litterbox will also be in the backseat, but they will probably just stay in the crate so I...
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    Softclaw problem

    One of my cat's softclaws fell off and I was trying to glue a new one on. She moved and I ended up gluing her claw so that now it doesn't retract. I tried to get the glue off with nail polish remover, but that didn't work. I washed her paw off with water and now she's in the corner trying to...
  6. M

    Will spaying change cat behavior?

    I took in a stray about a week ago. She's about 7 months old and was being chased around by a bunch of male cats due to her being in heat. I took her home and have her spay appointment scheduled for Wednesday. She is very sweet with people, but she's being a big bully to my neutered male cat...
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    Revolution Rash

    I put revolution on the back of my cat's neck 9/1. Today I noticed he is missing fur and has red scaly patches on the two places I put the revolution. Is this an allergic reaction? It almost looks like burns where I put the (vet-bought, non-expired) meds.
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    Lost cat

    I got home from a week-long trip last night. I was dragging my luggage inside my apartment when one of my cats caught a glimpse of a stray hanging around outside. My cat darted out the door and started chasing the stray (he loves to play with other cats). The stray took off with my cat in...
  9. M

    Eye changing color

    Quick question: My cat has green eyes. About a month ago, he developed a brown spot in the green part of one of his eyes. It is pretty noticeable to me, but does not seem to bother him and he appears 100% healthy. Is this just some weird eye-color changing thing? Or does this signify some...
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    Bathing a cat

    My cat was using his litterbox this morning and ended up not being able to pass some poo that was stuck to an undigested blade of grass. He managed to smear the poo all over his butt before I could get to him and remove as much of it as possible. This has happened before and cleaning him has...
  11. M

    Ants have found the cat food

    I'm not sure if this is posted in the right place, but I had a question regarding ants. I'm having something of an infestation in my apartment and they have finally caught on to the dry cat food I have sitting out. I'm gone too much during the day not to leave it out and I don't think eating the...
  12. M

    Cat scratch on face

    My cats were wrestling the other day and it must've gotten a little out of hand because one of them ended up with an ugly scratch between his eyes. I've been applying neosporin daily and not sure if I can treat it with anything else. It's in a position where he can't lick anything off it, but...
  13. M

    Trying to walk my cat

    How have you guys gotten your cats to walk on a leash? I bought a harness today and put it on my cat and he was so angry with me. He lurked around the apartment giving me the evil eye for putting it on him. I let him get semi-used to it and then took him outside with the leash. He was so freaked...
  14. M

    Cats left alone

    Sometimes I feel like I leave my cats alone for too long while I'm at work and school. They have a bunch of toys to play with, but I know they get bored easily. How long do you guys usually leave your cats alone? Also, are there any special toys you leave out to entertain them while you're gone...
  15. M

    Allergic to cats?

    So my sister and I grew up with cats and she's had one for about 6 years now. Recently, she told me that she's developed an allergy to him, he makes her sick, and she wants to give him to our dad. So I'm wondering how common it is to develop a cat allergy later in life. Has anyone heard of this...
  16. M

    Sick kitties?

    So my 6 month old kitty just walked into my bedroom, looked at me, let out a loud "something's wrong" meow, and threw up his lunch. Also, for the past couple days, my 8 month old will wait until I'm cleaning his litterbox or in the bathroom (where one of their litterboxes is) to jump in his...
  17. M

    Cat grass causing vomiting?

    I bought some cat grass from petsmart a couple days ago and now I'm finding vomit all over my apartment. I've been leaving the grass out for them to nibble on, but the vomiting is getting excessive. Is this normal? I heard cats eat grass to make themselves throw up when they're not feeling well...
  18. M

    Food similar to innova evo

    My kitties are sick of their nutro so I've been feeding them innova evo, which they really like. However, I have to go way out of my way to pick up the innova evo at a feed store. Are there any foods comparable to innova evo at petsmart or petco?
  19. M

    Do cats like variety in food?

    My cats had been fine eating their nutro indoor kitten kibble, but then they started to just pick at it instead of eat it. So then I bought some innova evo and started mixing it in (that is some smelly kibble) and one of my cats is all over it. The other cat doesn't seem to like anything, but...
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    Strange behavior

    My cat has been acting a little strange lately. He is still eating his dry food, but has lost all interest in his favorite treats. He has also become really affectionate and sleeps with me every night. And when he cuddles with me, he licks my hands and arms for like 5 minutes. This is all new...