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    Hi everyone!

    Anne is now breastfeeding so she asked me to continue. We are doing fine and enjoing our baby, but parenthood is very time consuming (especially for Anne). We never leave Ron alone. He sleeps in our bed, and is always held or carried in a baby sling. In four weeks time, I will take paternity...
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    Our son was born today

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    Our son was born today

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    Our son was born today

    Thank you all very much, We don't have an internet conection at the hospital, but I will save the forum files and show them to Anne. Ron was born on Monday, 12:20. Here are some pic.
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    Our son was born today

    Hello everybody. We had a c.section today, and Anne gave birth to our son, Ron. Anne is feeling great (though in some pain of course) and sends her love to you. Ron is a beautiful infant and looks much like his mother. He was born at 12:20 israel time and is 3.200 kg. He is relaxed and he didn't...
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    (2001 Thread) Plane just crashed into the world trade center

    Today is a terrible day. I and everybody else here in Israel are mourning with you, the people of America.
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    Anne has been hospitalized

    You wouldn't believe that, I just returned home after posting from Anne's office (a few hundreds yards away), and what did I found at home? I found Anne sitting at the computer and reading your posts! What a naughty girl! She didn't want me to write that but I felt that it would be an...
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    Anne has been hospitalized

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    Anne has been hospitalized

    Hey everybody! Anne is still in bed. She feels well (although from time to time she still bleeds a little ). I and everybody else try to keep her company as much as possible, or at least guard her well so she want get up. Please tell me if she breaks out of the custody and posts ... . I...
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    Anne has been hospitalized

    Thank you all for your prayers and sympathy! Things look great. I and Anne are really moved. Gezer sends his purrrs too (and jumps from my lap to the food bowl...) Yesterday Anne was released from the hospital. She should rest at home for a week. Alpha
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    Anne is home again

    Hey everybody Good news! Anne is home again! She is fine and so is the baby! She is restricted to bed for a week, so she can't post. Thank you all for your love and care. All the posts are really touching. Anne sends her love to you all! Alpha
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    Anne is in bed

    Thank you all SO much for your sympathy and care. I and Anne are really moved. I told her about all the things you wrote her. She mananged to sneak to the computer while I was taking a shower. Anne is now in bed, secured . I took a day off from work in order to stay with her at home. She...
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    Anne is in bed

    Hello everybody. Anne is in bed now . As you know, she is in the first weeks of her pregnancy and she bled several times. Because the bleeding continued she was restricted to bed for the next two weeks. Besides that, she feels OK (slightly bored). She won't have an access to the web in that...
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    Just returend from the US (first time there)

    Hello everybody. I am Ann's husband, and the son of Amos. Sorry for not writing much. I have just returned from a short trip in the US. I took a short course in the university of Kansas (4 days) and had a day in NY city. It was really great. The people in Kansas are really nice. The country...
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    Need your help with US dress code

    Thank you Hissy and threeleggedkat for your help. This is me - Anne's husband. It is funny but such a trivial thing as dress code is not so trivial to people from outside. From your answers I guess things are pretty much the same as here in Israel. I am looking forward to visiting your...
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    Our daily thread - Saturday, April 7

    Well, we haven't had a daily thread in a while... [edited later: It's me Anne - I just noticed that the post is under Alpha's username (my hubby's).] I thought I'd start this one to wish all of you a happy Passover. We're celebrating tonight with a big feast and with telling the story of how...