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  1. Z

    Any tips to stop the biting??

    Hi guys and happy new year! I need advice or tips, if such tips exist... My almost 3-month old kitten, Kiddie, is a real biter! He's adorable and never scratches but he bites non-stop! I know he's playing and giving quite a workout to his teeth but the little daggers are sharp and he does hurt...
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    pictures of Kiddie

    Some of you have asked to see picture of Kiddie, my orphan kit raised by my hubby and I since birth. He will be 2 months old tomorrow, is extremely, extremely active and very attached to us. We just love him! I cannot thank you guys enough for all your advice and help in raising him!!! Here's...
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    Litte update on Kiddie

    Hi guys! I haven't been around in a little while but thought of giving a little update on my orphan kit, Kiddie (since all you guys helped me so much in raising my very first hand-reared kitten!). He turned 6 weeks yesterday and is doing wonderfully! I litter-trained him a little over a week...
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    Questions - Introduction to food

    Hi guys, Kiddo will be 5 weeks old next Sunday and we want to start weaning him (is that the correct term)? With other kits I've had in the past, the transition was smooth because they would eat a bit and go back to their momma for milk. But Kiddo has no momma and we are bottle-feeding him. How...
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    Some had asked for pictures of my Kiddie (4 week old cutie, orphan since mom died at birth). They are not the best but they show a very healthy kit!! From a proud mama (I'll be a pest with pictures if I ever have kids!! )
  6. Z

    At what age should we let him out?

    Hi!! Kiddie is just 3 weeks old but I'm wondering at what age he will be old enough to go outside. Babs was 2 when we first let her out but that's only because we were in an appartment when we got her and let her out as soon as we bought our house. I don't want him to run off although I'm not...
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    Two issues.... again!! :)

    Hi guys! Here I go again with all the questions... 1 - Kiddie is doing great, he'll be 3 weeks old tomorrow and is such a delight! However, I've noticed that his little poo is very very hard. It's the right color but it's so hard it practically comes out dry! I meows when he pushes it out but...
  8. Z

    Oh the suckling!

    What can I give my baby kit to suckle on??? He's 17 days old and is alone (no sibbling, no mommy) and after he drinks, he needs to suckle on someone. Lately, it's been my bottom lip and I let do it because he loves it so much but he's sucking so hard that tonight my lip is completely swollen and...
  9. Z

    Question - Chubby kitty

    Hi! My kit Kiddie turned 2 weeks yesterday (update - he's the soul survivor of the litter my cat Toots had - Toots died the day after giving birth). Kiddie has been on formula since he was 2 days old and he's really really chubby now! I haven't weighed him yet but I'm wondering how much he...
  10. Z

    Poo and KMR

    Hi there! My week-old kitten has been on KMR since birth and the consistency of his poo seems to vary, from dark brown and very hard to beige-colored and a little chalky (for lack of a better word, not quite chalky but something close to). Is this normal? Otherwise, he seems to be just fine...
  11. Z

    Help - orphan kitty constipated

    Hi there! I just got my 5 day-old kitten up for his bottle and noticed his little butt is bleeding and I see the fesces (sp?) coming out but I'm afraid he may be constipated.... Could it be something else??????? I'm freaking out a little here.... What can I give him if he's constipated? Someone...
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    Kiddie is strong as a horse!

    Hi everyone, I wrote earlier this week to ask advice about my orphan kitten (whose mom - my kitty - passed away Tuesday after giving birth). Well, I'm happy to report that Kiddie is 5 days old today and he's a joy! He's really strong and sweet and drinks well. He's already affectionate and his...
  13. Z

    Mother died, one kitten remaining

    Hi guys, I'm new here and need advice. My baby Toots, a 8 month-old tabby had her first litter this weekend. She was small, the babies were big and had 3 kittens in about 29 hours. Only one survived. We found Toots dead this morning. The labour was too hard on her. My heart is broken but now...