Search Results

  1. gingeravocato

    Messy Eater

    Bridget is 13 and is by far the messiest cat I've ever encountered (and I grew up with barn cats). She'll eat her kibble--some days voraciously, some days she'll just pick at it for 24 hours--but no matter what, she'll chew up a bunch of pieces and leave crumbs everywhere. I'm talking like a...
  2. gingeravocato

    Howling Kitty Monster

    My 12-year old ginger tabby Bridget makes the most horrifying noises in the middle of the night. I noticed it when she plays with her crunchy tinsel ball toys (of which she has destroyed seven). I'll hear her thundering around the apartment tossing it around, and then she'll sit on it and make...
  3. gingeravocato

    *timidly pawing her way in...*

    Hello, there, fellow hoomins. I stumbled across this website after Googling "Why does my cat stare at me in the bathtub?"  Bridget is a 13-year old human spirit trapped in a cat's body.  She continues to stare at me when I'm in the bathtub and playing the piano--not at the same time, of...