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    Feline Pine - UTI?

    Hey everyone -- it's been a while since I've posted here. I apologize in advance that this is so long -- But I figured I could get some feedback on a certain issue. My cats are normally the picture of health (girl - Cassie, boy - Napoleon Dynamite) and besides checkups or whatever, they are...
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    Vomiting...Doesn't Appear to be a Hairball...

    He's like a medium hair. He never gets them. Of course, I just jinxed myself! But my other one, Cassie...she is a long hair and if she gets one once a year, that's a lot.
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    Vomiting...Doesn't Appear to be a Hairball...

    Napoleon was a rescue cat, and it took him a LOOONG time to realize that I would be feeding him regularly...but recently, he's been very antsy (I've been getting up earlier for the gym, and he gets scared that I won't come home ), and I just feel like he did eat too fast. he's even nibbling a...
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    Vomiting...Doesn't Appear to be a Hairball...

    Hi g uys, I had a cat Napoleon Dynamite is a seemingly healthy kitty but tonight he vomited nearly ALL of his dinner from tonight (still visible, chunks). It is very rare he does that, but he seems fine now, ready to play. But here's the kicker - when I was trying to clean it up...
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    Happy Birthday JASMINE! - Huggles!

    Yay! Happy birthday Jaz!!! Hope you can eat some of this yummy stuff! And yes, Danielle, I deserve to be flogged. Not only have I not posted any photos of my two kids with fur and four legs, I also have not been posting here. I'm glad I was able to post here! Take care
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    Thanks for all your insight!

    I'm not sure if I should even post this here, but I just wanted to shout from the roof tops about what a better cat owner this site has made me. Even makes me more knowledgeable for other's cats as well. The reason I thank the site is because a few weeks back, my dad called me with concern...
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    HOw many racing fans are there here?

    I went to my first ever NASCAR race in Sept -- Dover Downs MBNA 400. I have to admit, I didn't "get it," never did understand the allure of the races. Yet, 150K people pack the stands and spend tons of money and still have fun. I thought it might have to do with the BYOB aspects...but my dad...
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    what's the most destructive thing your cat has done?

    Well my cats don't really "destroy" anything other than each other but here are some things they've both done which are "annoying" at worst and "funny" at best. Napoleon has a "scooting problem" (have had everything checked out, need to change his diet, AGAIN) after he poops, and right after...
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    How do you feel about using ritalin for ADHD?

    Ditto, double ditto. One of my BF's best friends's parents were told, when he was like 12, he was ADD (not w/ hyperactivity), he'd never learn normally and needed to be put on drugs. His mother put her foot down, b/c they wanted him to be in "slow" classes. This guys is one not one of the...
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    its "embarrass ourselves" time...lets hear your cats nicknames!

    Cassiopeia is: Cassie, Baby, Baaaay-beeeee, Baby Girl, Baby Kitty, Poopy Cat, Poopy Girl, Plump Poopy Cat, Plump Little Bubba, Girlie, Mama Cass, Cass, Missy Fou-Fou (don't ask!) Napoleon Dynamite is: Napoleon D, Napoleon (sometimes with the French accent, sometimes without), Dingleberry...
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    Calling all you who live with your boyfriend/girlfriend!

    people who come into work sick are only trying to prove what "team players" they are and such. NOt fair to the others. My BF was sick for almost a month (a cold, then turned into full-blown bronchitis b/c idiot boy wouldn't listen to me and walked to the gym in the freezing cold AND did a...
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    My Napoleon D does that. I figure it's better than him trying to mount Cassie, who has the ability to beat him up if he tries LOL.
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    Feliway banned in Michigan

    If you find it online, it is waaaaaay cheaper than that. Luckily, a store down the street from me practically gives it away at like $23...with S&H from online stores, it's about that much anyway. Good luck
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    severe kitty aggression problem- please help

    Thank you for posting here...I went through this redirected aggression phase w/ my Cassie when we introduced Napoleon. We tried to keep them separated, but he was too fast one day...and he got out of his room. Cassie freaked out and instead of attacking him, she attacked my BF. It was scary...
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    Cat Rankings - Understanding Behavior

    Hi guys, I have a question for those of you experts on behavior. Is it possible for a domineering cat to NOT be the "alpha cat?" For example, Napoleon D. can be very domineering at times, but I don't think he is the alpha, b/c Cassie fights back when he is. Sometimes, he does win their...
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    Do your cats sleep with you?

    For the first few months, one cat would get custody of the bed and the other would sleep on the trunk with the "cat blanket" on it. Now, both cats sleep with us, and they are big babies (both are about 13 lbs each) so they take up a LOT of room...not that I would trade anything in the world for...
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    Cats passing sickness to each other,

    Keep the kitties separated and get the *sick* one (meaning, whoever is sick now) to the vet ASAP. Napoleon passed a URI to Cassie, who up until that point had never been sick. I had to get her on antibiotics and Napoleon sepaarated. If you don't separate them, they will keep passing it on to...
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    Is there such a thing as a one-cat cat?

    I used to think that Cassie was a one-cat cat but I think there were several reasons why she reacted so strongly when we introduced Napoleon. One, she was not socialized with other cats, as we found her as a barely two-week old stray. Two, we were in a new environment and she didn't like where...
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    Lovey became aggressive with my DD last night.

    The diffuser is great...I use both though. The spray comes in last night, for instance, the kits had a BIG FIGHT last night (at like 11:30 pm, after I had gone to bed, no doubt). I had to get up to play with them (Cassie gets really stressed when they fight), but I spritzed...
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    Lovey became aggressive with my DD last night.

    Oh and one more might called "Comfort Zone" outside of the U.S. You might want to check that out too...same thing.