Search Results

  1. mommasboy

    Multiple Allergy Symptoms. Help!

    My poor Huxley has been experiencing multiple allergy symptoms since I adopted him in January. He sneezes (sometimes all day long and has sneezing attacks where he gags), wheezes, is starting to get chin acne, is biting at his back paws. He used to vomit once or twice a week, but he has vomited...
  2. mommasboy

    Going away for a few days for the first time

    I am not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I am going away on a school trip for 4 days leaving my baby alone for the first time and I am worried. I have organized for a good friend of mine ( a cst lover who has 3 kitties herself) to come check on Huxley twice a day and I'll know...
  3. mommasboy

    Cat sneezing

    I have had Mr. Huxley for 2 weeks today and he has been sneezing every since I brought him home. U took him to the vet 2 or 3 days after bringing him home, but she says that since he had no other symptoms, that it was either a simple cold, or stress and that it should go on its own. It hasn't...
  4. mommasboy

    How long should I keep my new rescue cat in a small room?

    First of all, Happy New Year everyone! I brought my first cat home from the shelter yesterday afternoon. He has been staying in a small bathroom to help him acclimate to the place. He had a good night, is drinking and using the litter box and he has eaten some. He seems ok in the bathroom, he's...
  5. mommasboy

    Hello from Connecticut

    Hello everyone. I just adopted my first cat from a shelter today. He is a 5 year old Tuxedo cat, and he doesn't have a name just yet (I'd love suggestions!). I brought him home this afternoon and he seems to be doing ok in the bathroom for now. He has eaten some and used the litter box when I...