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  1. M

    2 Year Old Cat Ate A 2 Foot Long Ribbon!

    However, I am having a hard time getting her to eat the wet prescribed food and she will eat a little of the dry food if I mix it with her regular food and treats. Not sure if it’s the meds they gave her or if she really just doesn’t like the food.
  2. M

    2 Year Old Cat Ate A 2 Foot Long Ribbon!

    Well they induced vomiting and she threw up a lot of food but not the ribbon. She is on a high fiber diet to help push it along, since she was not experiencing any symptoms of it being tangled so I’m hoping she’ll pass it. I don’t like the waiting game and I feel terrible that they had to induce...
  3. M

    2 Year Old Cat Ate A 2 Foot Long Ribbon!

    Thanks for the information! I called the vet and am bringing her in in a few hours, but if she has issues with a bowel movement I’ll bring her to the ER. It will be 12 hours since she ate it once I get her in with the vet, but she’s acting normal. Eating, drinking, & playing.
  4. M

    2 Year Old Cat Ate A 2 Foot Long Ribbon!

    Yes I believe she did. She was on the floor in the same room I was in. I checked everywhere for it when I noticed she wasn’t “playing” anymore.
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    2 Year Old Cat Ate A 2 Foot Long Ribbon!

    Fortunately she’s never had hairball issues so I’ve never had to give her petromalt. The only thing I have for her is a little bit of Lysine gel.
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    2 Year Old Cat Ate A 2 Foot Long Ribbon!

    She seems fine, as she just woke me up to play. She ate and drank water last night. I will call the vet as soon as they open.
  7. M

    2 Year Old Cat Ate A 2 Foot Long Ribbon!

    I had thought my cat was playing/chewing on a ribbon that she was playing with earlier and when I looked down it was gone! It’s thick ribbon, maybe half an inch wide and was about 2 feet long. She swallowed it about half an hour ago. Should I take her to the vet as soon as they open or wait? I...
  8. M

    12 year old cat is weak and eating less

    Thank you all for the input. Mr Boots is 13 and has been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism for over 6 months now and is on Methimazole, but his blood work shows he is maintaining a normal level at the dosage he is currently on which a 1/4 pill every 12 hours. His change in activity level and...
  9. M

    12 year old cat is weak and eating less

    Hi everyone. New to the forums so I apologize if I started a thread in the wrong place. I have a senior cat, Mr Boots, with hyperthyroidism and some kidney issues (on kidney diet food to help maintain levels). Today he has increasingly been less interested in eating and drinking. Although if I...