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    Can newborn kittens carry toxoplasmosis?

    I am pregnant and have been warned not to change my cats litter boxes, but they are indoor cats. I have gotten bottle babies who have had digestive issues but are on mediciene. I have read about toxoplasmosis but it says they only can get it from eating dead rodents. anyways their mother died i...
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    Kittens Really Refusing Bottle

    I got them today. seem very healthy and are about 6 days old. I’m fostering through shelter. I know they are hungry because they are crying and even look for food but they cry and cry when i try the bottle. they swarm. ive tried swaddling, covering one eye and even with a syringe. i’ve tried...
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    Cats Have Hairless Scab

    I have a lot of cats so when one comes home with a scratch or a scab, we don’t panic. My cat Greg came home a couple weeks ago with a hairless patch and then the next day it turned into a scab... we assumed he got into a fight. So we just put a antibiotic spray (it’s like neosporin, but for...
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    i got a week old kitten today and for the first 3 feedings she ate great but for the last 3 didn't want to eat. I managed to get a little down, but she didn't want it. She is very active (for her age). She is vocal, loves being pet and purrs and kneeds like crazy! She seems perfectly healthy. I...
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    Weird Story... What Could Of Happened?

    Okay so I have 2 five week old kittens. They have a dome bed, water, food, litter box and blanket in their kennel/crate. I fed them before going to sleep last night at about 10.... at 2:00 am I woke up from hearing screaming. My poor baby, Dobby was laying next to his litter box, screaming at...
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    Age Of The Kittens?

    just so you guys know, I do know how to care for these kittens. I know what to do... and I already cleaned them up, this picture is when I first got them. They are extremely skinny so I estimated 2-3 weeks... can anyone give me a better estimate?
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    Tips For Organizing Kitty Supplies...

    As i foster more frequently, I am getting more and more supplies. Whether it's medicine, blankets, bottles... I really am looking for a good way to store bottles and nipples. Right now I have everything in a tub but it is really bothering me. Thanks for any tips!
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    What Are The Potential Side Effects Of Terminating My Cats Pregnancy?

    I got another cat about 6 weeks ago and as soon as I got her, I went and got her vaccinated. Then I had to wait 3 weeks and I got her vaccinated again. Finally I was able to make her an appt to get spayed, but it's not until may 15 and her kittens would most likely be delivered by then.... I...
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    What is colostrum?

    I don't need it, but am trying to become more aware about saving kittens and I came across colostrum. What is it? How do you use it and when would you use it? Thanks
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    Is this normal?

    I have 3 kittens that I have had for about a week and none of them eat the recommended amount. They gain weight well, but don't eat like they should. They are 2 weeks old but I feed them every 3-4 hours because they aren't hungry that often. Should I start feeding more often and they will eat...
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    orphaned kitten not pooping

    I have fostered many kittens before but this is the youngest so far. we found her last night (6 hours ago) with her umbilical sack still attached but she eats wonderful, crawls a lot and pees when I stimulate her but she hasn't popped yet it's been 3 feedings and she hasn't gone. should I worry ?