Search Results

  1. marcus

    Petting your cat

    I've searched for a previous thread because there has to be an answer I'm looking for: How do you pet your cat(s)? How do you stroke and finesse your feline friends? I've had cats that LOVE being pet, but right now I have cats that are MEH I'm trying not to lead on top of their head, and I...
  2. marcus

    Hello from Frankie

    Hey everyone, please meet Frankie, a female who has bonded quite well with her older brother, Marcus. Frankie's photos are from last month; she's thirteen weeks old today, and Marcus is close to a year (he's a street rescue, so I assigned him Bastille Day as a round about birthday).
  3. marcus

    Hello from new cat Marcus

    Marcus is a ten month-ish male rescued from Detroit Animal Control. He is settling into a new order of indoor cat life.