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  1. J

    Concerned cat mom

    Animals are very intuitive. If he insisted my cat had to go and didn't want to try for me then I would take that as a sign.
  2. J

    Stomatitis update for Casper

    Thank you, I did speak to the dental vet about brushing. I will certainly try but I don't see him letting me near his mouth and I don't want to go back to him running from me every time he sees me. He's had such a hard time since January with pain and needing medication. He wanted nothing to...
  3. J

    My cat has two abscesses on his face. What do I do to make sure it's doesn't get infected.

    Soon as I had my boy neutered he had no more fights. Had an abscess drained at the same time. It's illegal to declaw cats in Austraila. You can't put a declawed intact male outside, it's cruel.
  4. J

    Nead help finding a higher fiber cat food

    Wet food all the way! This happens to one of my dogs because she doesn't drink much water. I'm surprised your vet just suggested the more fiber.
  5. J

    Stomatitis update for Casper

    Casper has his 2 week checkup today after his teeth extraction. He still has fangs and bottom front teeth. The roof of his mouth looks great. He still has a small amount of inflammation around the stitches but the should start coming out soon. So far he feel a lot better, he's put on weight...
  6. J

    Cat Is In Hospital :-(

    I hope everything goes well for your kitty. It's a horrible feeling not knowing what's wrong.
  7. J

    Using dog frontline flea medication for my cat?

    Great thread, I had no idea you could do this. I can now buy one big pack for both my dogs and cats and just adjust the dosage.
  8. J

    my cat died from anesthesia

    It sounds like common sense, she wasn't healthy enough to be put under. Sounds like they put her under and things went wrong and they tried to quickly wake her and no dental happened. I'm so sorry for your loss. They messed up bad and trying to cover tracks it sounds.
  9. J

    How safe is microchipping?

    All my pets are chipped. I've reunited 3 dogs now with their owners through chipping. Got my own car back after 4 months with chipping. HIGHLY recommend it. Most things you read on the Internet are bad news stories.
  10. J

    Cat can't eat grain free has bad tummy now

    I've tried the gradual mix, by the time with get half and half the runny bowel movements start. So I gave up. I think it's the vegetables they put in as fillers. All foods have fillers unless you go raw. Some cats just can't digest the vegetables as well.
  11. J

    Cat can't eat grain free has bad tummy now

    Trying to give my cat a better quality food I've given him diarrhoea. He's on wet food because of teeth extraction, only has his fangs and bottom front teeth now. 7 days post op. I tried him on grain free dry food months ago and same thing happened. Bought him the holistic select grain free...
  12. J

    11 month old cat getting teeth all out

    Stomatitis is a hard road for everyone. I just had all my boys teeth removed. We are day 6 post op. He had been eating well up till today, he's eaten but I think the stitches are bothering him/itchy mouth. My cat stopped eating in January, he had a grass seed in his jaw and it was infected...