Search Results

  1. meownomania

    Food for a cat that’s prone to cystitis

    My cats been having trouble urinating and I took him to the vet and they told me he very likely has Cystitis. They recommend I put him on a urinary care diet but didn’t specify any specific brand, just over the counter since it isn’t too bad. Does anyone have a recommendation for good cat foods...
  2. meownomania

    Cat scratching his chin raw

    My cat, starting this morning, has been scratching his chin repeatedly. When i noticed it was all red and irritated. does anyone know a potential cause for this? or have any solutions? i’ll take him to the vet if the issue persists but is there anything i could try before it gets to that point?
  3. meownomania

    meaning of coat color and pattern change

    Hi! I’ve had my cat snap for about 3 months now, he use to be feral/stray and is estimated to be around 2ish years old. I’ve recently noticed that the stripes/patterns on his coat have become a lot more noticeable and certain parts of his coat have become much darker. Before he was almost purly...
  4. meownomania

    Cat with UTI/ how to go about it

    Recently my cat Snap has been using the bathroom repeatedly and straining to actually pee when he does. He hasn’t been peeing outside the litter box and there is no blood in him urine. I took him to the vet and they said he does have a UTI but there are no signs of crystals and it could possibly...
  5. meownomania

    How would you describe his pattern/color?

    i’m assuming he’s a domestic shorthair but i’m not really sure how to describe his color? would cream and white be an accurate description?
  6. meownomania

    Hi! Thank you for all the help so far!

    Hi this is my cat Snap, he’s around 2 years old and ,what i assume now, to have been a stray! i had been feeding him for around 2 months before taking him in and he’s been living in his new home for about a week and let me pet him for the first time today! (excuse the mid pet pictures i’m just...
  7. meownomania

    how long should i keep my stray/feral cat in the bathroom before I give him more room to explore

    I have had Snap, my feral/stray, for 3 days at this point, he’s supper active at night and am planning on getting him a cat tree bc he seems to love to climb but he is by no means comfortable with me or my partner yet. He only eats at dusk and early in the morning, he uses the litter box...
  8. meownomania

    How often should i check on and visit my stray/feral cat

    Hi, I recently began taking care of a feral/stray cat. He currently lives in my unused guest bathroom. He has only been living here for about 2 days. He isn’t adjusting too terribly so far he’s eating and using the litter box and has been camped out in my tub. He shows no interest in the food...
  9. meownomania

    Brought a stray/feral cat in and now he won’t leave his carrier

    I have been feeding this cat for a couple months and realised that he appeared to have an eye infection. I got worried and ended up capturing him and taking him to the vet. He had to get sedated and got a few shots from the vet. I decided to bring him into my home after this, finding out he was...