Search Results

  1. B

    My experience with feral

    Hello. My story is not unique in any way. We had an apartment complex (now demolished) a block from my house and when tenants were forced to leave several left behind their cats (don't get me started!!). Within a couple of years our neighborhood was overrun with cats and kittens, and...
  2. B

    Me again, with Sammy

    Please, I need your advice and reassurance again. After keeping Sammy in my home over 2 months he stopped hiding under the couch and was eager to explore the whole house. He had completely stopped hiding, and would meow if I closed him in the den where he had spent the first two months hiding...
  3. B

    Litter Box question

    I have recently brought a 4-yr-old semi-feral/stray cat into the house after he was almost killed by a dog. His is living, for now, in one room and uses his two litter boxes like a champ. My question is, when he eventually moves into the entire house, do I need to put litter boxes in multiple...
  4. B

    Videos for cats to watch... Good or bad???

    My newly-brought-into-the-house cat, Sammy, has been hiding under the couch, but he does spend some time with me and lets me pet him and hold him. Purr, purr, purr!! On the Purina website they have videos for your cat to watch. Birds, mice, and stuff like that. Sammy is fascinated! He seems...
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    Hello to all my new cat-loving friends!

    I just joined today and I can tell I've found my home. As a person who only had dogs as pets my entire life, owning a cat is a new and exciting turn of events. Cats are wonderful, but I need a place for help and advice, and The Cat Site is it!! I live in Tennessee. I got involved in the cat...
  6. B

    outside or inside?

    I started a spay/neuter campaign in my neighborhood, which was overrun by stray and feral cats, about 5 years ago and we now have a very stable community of 25 outside cats being cared for by about 6 neighbors. Eight of the cats live at my house. One of the friendlier cats, Sammy, left my...