Search Results

  1. KittyCat_chitchat

    How to get started in rescuing (when there's a need but no infrastructure)?

    I hope this is the right place to be posting this. Since adopting a former stray and then becoming a member of this forum, I've become highly aware of the stray cat situation worldwide. To my knowledge, there aren't any feral colonies or anything within the immediate vicinity of our house, but...
  2. KittyCat_chitchat

    My cats doing cat things...

    I started posting about our family cats Ozzie and Cleo when I needed advice on introducing them. Since this has now pretty much been resolved (touch wood), I'm going to start posting updates about them here. Ozzie, born c. 2016, is an ENORMOUS tabby boy who we adopted from a shelter in 2019...
  3. KittyCat_chitchat

    Should I be giving my cats wet food as well as dry?

    Our family two cats currently live on high-quality, high-meat content dry food we get from a little shop area in our vet's office. Ozzie has lived on dry for years. Cleo was living on a mixture of wet and dry before we adopted her last month, and the organisation we got her from recommended a...
  4. KittyCat_chitchat

    New here

    I've grown up with cats and can't believe I've only just found this site! I signed up to ask a question about introducing the two family cats, so I thought it would be good to introduce myself here. Like a lot of people I live with my parents as I can't yet afford to rent pet friendly...
  5. KittyCat_chitchat

    Fixing an introduction between two adult rescue cats

    I know there are already lots of threads and articles on introducing cats, but I'd like some opinions and advice on our family cats' specific circumstances. The existing cat, Ozzie, is a very large seven-year-old male who we've had for four years. He is a sensitive boy who is extremely...