Search Results

  1. G

    Opinions about Kit Cat?

    Hello! I often look through different online pet stores to look for cat food deals and I'm starting to see the Kit Cat wet food brand becoming more common. I try to avoid fish for my cats, but with the rising prices I might have to compromise. I looked through Kit Cat's Goat Milk line and the...
  2. G

    Thoughts on Phosphate?

    So I discovered Jackson Galaxy's video about learning how to read cat food labels. I believe to be someone who is knowledgeable enough to know how to pick my own cat food but one piece of information was new to me. In the video, it says that if the cat food contains more than one phosphate or...
  3. G

    How many brands/flavours/type of protein do you give your cats?

    Hello! As a first time cat mom, I feared that my cats would be picky with food so I introduced them very early to different textures and flavours. My cats prefer paté, but I use shreds as toppers. I ended up having these main brands. Faim Museau (Raw Premade Patties) -Chicken & Salmon -Duck &...
  4. G

    Cat taking forever to finish raw treat

    Hello! I have two cats, Billie and Charlie. I would occasionally give them raw food to chew on as a treat. While Billie finishes his raw threat in a few seconds flat, Charlie could take up to 20 minutes to finish it if not more! A part of me wonders if Charlie does not know how to use his...
  5. G

    Petsmart no longer shipping to Quebec, Canada :(

    I've been lurking through this site for a while and never thought that I would I would one day make my own post but here we are! Anyway, after calling Petsmart's customer supper because I was unable to have anything shipped to me, I discover that since yesterday Petsmile will no longer ship to...