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    Random Bouts Of Diarrhea

    Hi! Thank you for the welcome! We took poor little Jax to the vet at a cat specialty clinic. She gave us this special food and did a fecal test. The Doctor didn't find anything. The only thing that came out of it was that Jax is about 2lbs overweight, so I'm gonna have to hash out with my...
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    Random Bouts Of Diarrhea

    Thanks for your responses! Here's a list that should answer some of your questions- 1. My roommate feeds Jax a few different fancy feasts, but recently bought like a 40 pack of just chicken from BJs, so he might have been only using that (I'll ask) 2. Jax definitely can't handle tuna of any...
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    Random Bouts Of Diarrhea

    Hi all, Thank you for reading, and I'd be grateful for any help you can offer. My roommate's poor kitty, Jax, has been having random bouts of diarrhea. He's 5 years old, on the chubby side (about 2lbs overweight), and is super sociable. This previous incident, he had defecated all over my bed as...
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    I have ringworm, does my cat?

    Hi everyone, I have acquired some information on the human to cat transmission of ring worm or tinea corporis (ringworm of the body). I hope this info helps anyone in my situation in which I have contracted ringworm and do not want to pass it to my kitty, Vortex! So, I learned a few things...
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    I have ringworm, does my cat?

    Thank you for the help! I had been wearing band aids for the first 24hrs of fungicide treatment, but my doctor informed me to let the lesions be exposed to the air. Air will help to dry out the fungus, which prefers moist environments. I will wear them at night. I do feel better about having...
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    I have ringworm, does my cat?

    I'm so happy I found this site! Hopefully, your help will be able to put my mind at ease. To begin, I'm young, but I've been having some health problems which have made me more susceptible to some common diseases. I recently came down with my first ever episode of RINGWORM!! It turns out I had...