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  1. StarkRavenMad

    Scab on my kitty

    All of your good vibes seem to have paid off. It’s finally healing!! Yay!! The biopsy results came back...and showed nothing. No cancer, no infection, no fungus, no parasites. Which is good but still, what the heck happened to my cat 🤷🏻‍♀️. The vet is still stumped. Whatever it was, I’m...
  2. StarkRavenMad

    Scab on my kitty

    UPDATE!! New pic attached So no, haven’t figured what it is yet but more steps have been taken... We went back to the (second) vet yesterday at their request to have another doc take a look. Two more vets looked at him when we were there and they too were stumped. I could hear them through...
  3. StarkRavenMad

    Scab on my kitty

    Thank you both for taking the time to read and reply! I was also surprised that neither took a culture of it. I told myself if it was really troubling they would’ve? But I should’ve pushed more. The second vet said that we could, if I wanted, put him under and remove it. But with his grade 4...
  4. StarkRavenMad

    Scab on my kitty

    I have a 14yr cat named Scooby. About a week and a half ago I noticed what I thought was a sore on the side of my kitty’s face. Upon closer inspection, it wasn’t bleeding, oozing or smelly. So it was more scab like. Of course I freaked out and automatically thought, cancer. I called my vet and...