Search Results

  1. Katelyn K

    Kitten Started Throwing Up a Bit of Blood?

    Hiya, sorry to be back here with not so great news. A little backstory first, my kitten Edgelord for the last like few months and counting has been sick, we took him to the vet he apparently had an immune infection from his mom and has been dealing with it for months even with the medicine. He’s...
  2. Katelyn K

    Cat Showing Aggressive Tendencies?

    Hi, I’m putting this here cause my cat Bastet has been kinda aggressive for a while. At first it made sense, when she came she was semi feral and was terrified of me, had a right to be wary and a bit violent if she deemed it necessary. Now she’s gotten used to me, even lays by me, wants me to...
  3. Katelyn K

    For Molly, My Angery Little Cat

    Molly is gone now. We got him put to sleep a few days ago. He had a lot of medical issues, we couldn’t afford to keep taking him to the vet, and his quality of life was slipping to the point where he couldn’t even walk or make it to the litter box on his own. I tried my hardest to keep him...
  4. Katelyn K

    Any food suggestions to help with cat weight gain?

    Hiya, I’ve heard a healthy weight for cats is about 10 pounds, and well, my house cat Molly is lower than that at 6 pounds exactly at his last vet visit. I’ve tried looking for foods at our local pet store to help him but haven’t found anything. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for...
  5. Katelyn K

    Moral Dilemma

    PLEASE READ EVERYTHING I know this place isn’t a substitute for a vet. I know but I just want advice here. I’m struggling with it. I went into the living room to eat like normal when my inside cat Molly started hacking again, but then it took a turn. Usually he just coughs for a minute and...
  6. Katelyn K

    Gave Taffy a dish soap bath

    I just gave Taffy her first dish soap bath to get rid of her fleas. It worked fairly well even though I still have to pick a few live ones off of her afterwards. She was not a happy camper when I got her in the water and was not happy with me afterwards. Luckily she just warmed up on me as she...
  7. Katelyn K

    How to naturally get rid of fleas on a kitten?

    Hiya, it’s me again. So far no update on catching Bastet, although she has actually let me pet her a bit when I feed her now. She flinches when I do it though, but it’s progress to her trusting me. Also recently Taffy my kitten has actually come inside with me and laid on the couch, upon closer...
  8. Katelyn K

    How to safely introduce cats to my territorial house cat

    So as of a few minutes ago I was putting food out for the kitten and momma cat in my backyard. Whom I’m calling Taffy and Bastet respectively. I had left the back door open while I did so, Bastet was curious and got close to the back door and my cat Molly(despite the name he’s a boy) decided to...
  9. Katelyn K

    Everyone screams Calico

    Hiya again. I’ve recently posted about the stray semi-feral kitten in my back yard. I’ve named them Taffy as of now. I say them cause I’m still unsure of gender. Everyone I show their picture to instantly says they’re a Calico, but me and my dad are a bit more skeptical as to what they are. Any...
  10. Katelyn K

    ‘Feral’ Momma cat and kitten in backyard

    Apologies if this is the wrong area to put this thread, this is my first time and post on this website. As of late last week a momma cat (unknown age) and her kitten (guessing 3-5 weeks old as eating wet food I put out) have showed up in my back yard. As they seemed very scared and wary of me...