Search Results

  1. CatLyfe

    Newborns and nursing

    Hey y'all! This will probably be the last update! We hit 3 weeks old this Monday and both my boys are still rocking kittenhood! They still stay with momma in a large kennel as she'll hide them and not feed them if I leave her unsupervised at all. Momma pulls on the door when she wants out or...
  2. CatLyfe

    Newborns and nursing

    Top left-birth Top right-Wed Bottom-Today 1 week update! On Wednesday they had weighed Orange: 97g Gray:113g I'm so excited to share that on their 1 week milestone they're at O:196g T:209g They're growing steadily between 10-15g a day and doing great! They only nurse momma and no supplement...
  3. CatLyfe

    Newborns and nursing

    She has 3 sets of teats. The two at her rear are the favorite of each kit and those are the mastitis looking. The middle 2 also look like they're getting really uncomfortable, and the 2 nearest her face are so tiny and the kittens just won't nurse them.
  4. CatLyfe

    Newborns and nursing

    Amoxicillin 50mg daily for 5 days. I placed warm and damp cloths last night and they seemed a little less swollen this morning, but uncomfortable discoloration and no milk coming out still. And warm to the touch. I'll do the coconut oil thanks!
  5. CatLyfe

    Newborns and nursing

    Update: I put her bed next to me in my bed and she never tried to move them. She'd leave for whatever but came back every time. (This is the most sleep I've had in 4 nights) I noticed the babes fighting pretty intensely over one single nipple at each feeding last night so I checked each out, and...
  6. CatLyfe

    Newborns and nursing

    It truly is so hard losing them. Especially when I was holding the one and giving my all and it wasn't enough. They're just over 48hr old so I'm hopeful that momma finally nursing will now be the key to their success. She doesn't barely leave their side so I've noticed they're either sleeping or...
  7. CatLyfe

    Newborns and nursing

    I made it to the store and picked up a Taylor Glass Kitchen scale. I'm beginning a log to keep full track of any weight gain/loss. At 2 days old, my Orange is 97g. She is my most worrisome as she's not as full or sturdy. My sweet tabby is a whopping 113g! Quite the difference. Should I record...
  8. CatLyfe

    Newborns and nursing

    I already picked some up on day 1. They were only getting that the majority of the time because momma refused to lay down for more than a minute or 2. I'd even leave her completely alone to see what she'd do and she never went back to check on them. It's been a long couple of days but she...
  9. CatLyfe

    Newborns and nursing

    Thanks! I've been watching them all day and they're definitely both set on their specific nipple. I've not seen any frustration, any moving to try others, and almost zero crying. They definitely stay quite awake for the good first half-3/4 of nursing and kneading, then they'll doze a bit. Momma...
  10. CatLyfe

    Newborns and nursing

    We're purchasing a scale today, and that's definitely going to help! However, it still leaves me wondering if a kitten is not getting milk, would they stay latched and suckle? They'll latch on, suckle between 10-40min and then sleep. They do not spend their nursing time going between nipples and...
  11. CatLyfe

    Newborns and nursing

    They seem content? It's just that I can't seem to get any milk to come out myself. I had to check because she had refused to nurse the 1st 2 days so I was told to check. We got a new setup yesterday and she's been embracing the momma roll!
  12. CatLyfe

    Newborns and nursing

    Hello all! My sweet momma cat has just delivered her 1st litter. We've tragically lost 3 out of the 5, with these last 2 seemingly to be pretty healthy. It took momma 2 days and a lot of help from me to finally stay with her kittens and especially nurse! I've researched to the ends of the earth...
  13. CatLyfe

    Possible snowshoe mix?

    Thanks so much! I've always had cats but never have put much effort into "breeds." Except for my dream cat, the Bengal, lol! She is definitely a beautiful girl, just sheds like crazy! Snowshoes are definitely a gem and beautiful!! Thanks!
  14. CatLyfe

    Possible snowshoe mix?

    I just found their litter photo! And yes, I guess both of the girls came out almost fully white! I'm looking for better photos.
  15. CatLyfe

    Possible snowshoe mix?

    She wasn't 100% white no. But way more creamier than now. She turned 1 in March and has definitely darkened up! She's so differently patterned so research has been fun. She has a very faded striped tail, and has almost a little orange striped pattern on her face. And I definitely agree about...
  16. CatLyfe

    Possible snowshoe mix?

    1st posting here! My sweet Momma is expecting her 1st litter at any time now and the excitement of the kitten coats is so very exciting to guess! (She's a good ol' farm cat line and her genetic history is very mixed) As I've been researching everything cat related, I've come across the...