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  1. S

    Cat Abdominal Incision Advice

    So my poor buddy recently underwent abdominal obstruction surgery. He did really well, they kept him overnight and they said he did great. He's been eating and drinking normally and peeing. No bm yet but they said it would take a few days. We've been doing his pain medication every 8 hours no...
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    Natural Care Flea &Tick Dont Know if My Cats Will Be Okay

    So never had fleas before so I'm a bit out of my depth. Went to the vet got topical flea remover and dewormer, went to the store and Got Natural Care Flea and Tick Remover spray and carpet powder. I sprayed it on the pillows and headboard and then powdered the carpet, I kept the cats away from...
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    Cat ate string, passed most of it but he accidentally pulled out the rest

    So my cat ate a piece of string from a cat mouse toy which I didn't know because he'd been acting normal. This evening he's using the restroom and string comes out he passes most of it it seems but accidentally steps on it and pulls the remainder out. He seems fine, he's grooming himself in the...
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    Unsure where to put cat box...

    Just moved to a new house and got the kitties new litter boxes with covers. Not alot of places to put kitty boxes so we chose at the end of the hallway where there's a sort of shallow nook. Seymour has been doing fine with it Beans however has been pooping outside of the litter box, I though it...
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    Cat with a fever after vaccinations

    I took my cat to get 2nd year vaccines. He came home ate some wet food played for an hour, but now he has a fever, and a case of the shivers. Is this normal, how long does it usually last and is there anything I can do to keep my poor boy comfortable?
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    Any thoughts on leaving cats alone for 48 hours?

    I have to go out of town unexpectedly and I've asked everyone I know and no one seems available to come by and I don't have any family in the area. I cat proofed the house, got a water fountain in addition to leaving other water sources throughout the house 2 bowls of food, they each have their...
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    Cat knocked over and spilled detergent on himself and licked some of it off before i could bathe him. Will he be okay?

    So, we're in the middle of unpacking a new house and so far I've done a good job of making him feel safe in the new environment, trying to keep his schedule normal, playing with him, giving him extra treats when today he decides to try and reach for something on the counter and knocks over...
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    Took my buddy to the vet for a cat fight wound, abscess found, what to expect for recovery and tips on keeping wound clean and my kitty comfy?

    My sneaky cat ran out while I was bringing in groceries and fought with another cat. I took him to the vet the following day because he was acting lethargic and I was very worried. They found no abscess but gave him antibiotics and pain medication anyway. 2 days later I'm warm compressing his...
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    Cat was in a fight and shivered and hid

    So my cat likes to wander in the yard in the morning but I rarely let him out at night due to cat fights and he managed to slip out tonight. He had a scratch on his face but it was dried blood, I couldn't see any bite marks or puncture wounds. His anus was a bit swollen and reddish and he was...