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  1. R

    Nursing mother of 8 week old kittens has swollen breasts, normal looking milk, unsure what to do

    Me again. Mom cats and kittens have been doing great. Today I noticed all of mom's breasts are swollen, some are a bit red. It seems painful for them to be squeezed. I tried expressing a couple and the milk looked normal. Not sure what to do here, her kittens are weaning themselves (we've never...
  2. R

    Is okocat less mess safe for 4 week old kittens?

    Our batch of former newborn kittens are doing great. They are 4 weeks old now, and we're trying to introduce them to food and litter trays. We gave them this okocat less mess, wood pellet stuff, but it is clumping, which I just read could be a problem if they eat it...
  3. R

    Newborn kittens and unfriendly mom under my porch. Leave them there or bring them inside?

    It's a long story how we got to here. If you look at my previous thread, we adopted a barn cat who we thought was pregnant; turned out to be pyometra. We managed to spay her and she's been a happy, healthy indoor cat ever since. She has a daughter kitty from a previous litter, about a year old...
  4. R

    Found tiny breast lump. Lumpectomy a good choice?

    We've recently taken in an older barn cat. Check out my last post for more details. She wound up having pyometra and we had her spayed asap. She's now a happy member of our indoor family, she's the sweetest and most gentle kitty you can imagine. Just a few days ago when petting her tummy, we...
  5. R

    Brought pregnant stray into basement, what to do?

    I've had a friendly stray coming around outside for about a month. I have zero experience with pregnant cats, she looked sort of big but I wasn't sure whether she was pregnant or not. Well, just today I noticed some yellowish discharge near her vagina...thought it was an infection at first, but...
  6. R

    Blood in stool from eating human hair?

    First had this issue with my 4 year old cat having blood in her stool over a year ago, you can check my post history for details. Tl;dr, took her to the vet, vets didn't find anything wrong other than possible constipation. Lately it's happened again twice. Each time it looks like there's...
  7. R

    Cat first time having blood and mucus in poop

    I have a 3 year old cat who just today strained a bit to go poop that had a bit of blood (bright red) and mucus in it. She's indoor, hasn't changed food too recently. Acting normal, full of energy. She left a little, maybe pea sized spot of goo (not sure if mucus or mushy poop) with blood next...