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  1. J

    Random poop droplets

    Well thank you greatly for your input! I truly appreciate it and hope you find something that works too! It’s not the worst thing but it’s definitely not fun to step in poop 😂
  2. J

    Random poop droplets

    true. I just know they have types of food and other things for “hair balls”. I know they don’t have hair balls yet but I wasn’t sure if it would help with other hair issues as well
  3. J

    Random poop droplets

    You know, he is over grooming. Not as bad as before but that sounds like that could be it exactly! And why it’s new! Thank you for your input! What do you plan on doing about the hair eating/ over grooming if you don’t mind me asking?
  4. J

    Random poop droplets

    He has no symptoms of worms but I will definitely deworm him ASAP. I do hope that’s it And I do have one litter box as it’s all I thought was needed. Everyone I know who has cats has typically only had one, and never had problems with it. I do have two though. One I’m just not using. And Charlie...
  5. J

    Random poop droplets

    It’s solid poop. So I’m not sure if that’s the cause, but I should still make a vet appointment for a check up! And yes I definitely need to get on top of cleaning his box. I plan on setting up reminders! It’s in the kitchen now so it’ll be easier to remember!
  6. J

    Random poop droplets

    Although I haven’t noticed any signs or symptoms of worms
  7. J

    Random poop droplets

    I believe it was too soon to do it again when I got him back, but I can definitely do it again now. I haven’t noticed any signs of worms but I guess you might not always! Will definitely get deworming medication ASAP! Thank you!!
  8. J

    Random poop droplets

    I got a kitten over a year ago. He was almost put down due to an upper respiratory infection. I took him home and he got better although one eye has always been prone to lots of eye boogers. It’s been an interesting time as I’ve only personally had him half of his life essentially. We had this...