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  1. W

    Is My Kitty Poop Okay ?

    Here’s the handsome guy. He moves a lot so it’s hard to get a good picture
  2. W

    Is My Kitty Poop Okay ?

    Sorry for the tmi but here’s some pictures of his stool, it looks very liquify to me
  3. W

    Is My Kitty Poop Okay ?

    He eats about a teaspoon of wet food a half teaspoon of kmr and half a teaspoon of water and it’s 8:27 pm right now and he’s eating his third meal of the day.
  4. W

    Is My Kitty Poop Okay ?

    Thank you I really appreciate it. you
  5. W

    Is My Kitty Poop Okay ?

    Hello everyone so I recently got a new kitty on June 18th, I found the owner on crigslist and she told me that the kitty was 4 weeks. She also told me that she feeds him wet cat food with powder milk, when she gave him to me he was really really tiny and boney. I would give him kitty food with...