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  1. peterspiano

    Poop From Neighbourhood Cat - What To Do? :(

    super! will check this out..
  2. peterspiano

    Poop From Neighbourhood Cat - What To Do? :(

    this looks like a decent solution..
  3. peterspiano

    Poop From Neighbourhood Cat - What To Do? :(

    ok, two votes for screens. Any suggestions or links? thanks for your inputs!
  4. peterspiano

    Poop From Neighbourhood Cat - What To Do? :(

    true, i can see you're a much nicer person than i 'scaring' solution is me being greedy with my time. I have a bit of a talent to shoot myself in the foot on occasion.. this might be one of those said situations.. thanks for your time! :)
  5. peterspiano

    Poop From Neighbourhood Cat - What To Do? :(

    he's definatly a very nice cat - totally love him so i'm going against my nature to ignore him, but i know my body (ie allergy problem). Yeah, i think that's a good idea the screening. I'd have to be for the whole window regretfully (c. 30cm x 150cm) since he'd certainly be able to clime over...
  6. peterspiano

    Poop From Neighbourhood Cat - What To Do? :(

    very sorry for the multiple reply's to my own thread, don't know how to edit my posts..his age: i'm guessing about 10-12. Might be relevant.
  7. peterspiano

    Poop From Neighbourhood Cat - What To Do? :(

    another idea is that if i think i hear him come into the apartment, i take a look and if i see him i scare him off. This makes sense right? I'm just kind of cautious about setting off some kind of cat vendeta where he goes ballistic on me and start's peeing and pooping - don't want to do...
  8. peterspiano

    Poop From Neighbourhood Cat - What To Do? :(

    Hi Cat experts! I’ve got a bit of a feline difficulty. I’ll give you a short version first, then a long version. Short version: A cat recently came into my apparent and did a nr.2 on the floor. (Thankfully not my bed or similar!). My question follows - how can I best prevent this from...