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  1. Astarti

    Help Cat Driving Me Crazy

    Awe so cute x love how they are looking at u through the window
  2. Astarti

    Help Cat Driving Me Crazy

    I would never give up on him even when he drives me crazy he is part of our family, I really hope he will out grow some of his behaviour he can be very affectionate he helps me in return for rescuing him. He is my therapy cat, it feels like he was meant to be here, no way would have I handed him...
  3. Astarti

    Help Cat Driving Me Crazy

    I love him even though he can be so naughty, he helps me with my anxiety and depression, he will react when I am not right, he knows when I cry and will nurse me x
  4. Astarti

    Help Cat Driving Me Crazy

    This is Freddie
  5. Astarti

    Help Cat Driving Me Crazy

  6. Astarti

    Help Cat Driving Me Crazy

    I am currently looking into this and see which ones are best
  7. Astarti

    Help Cat Driving Me Crazy

    I am not giving up on him I don't want to re-home him, Freddie has a habit of going up to my partner and biting him for no reason he don't do it to me I think when he was a kitten it must have been a man that dump him a carrier bag and then on a rubbish pile he freaks out if u attempt putting a...
  8. Astarti

    Help Cat Driving Me Crazy

    He isn't a year old yet
  9. Astarti

    Help Cat Driving Me Crazy

    Yes and it hasn't helped and made him worse and yes we have tried the water thing and he hisses now so it's not helping at all I am now thinking of taking him to the vets for mefication he was found tied up in a carrier bag as a 9-10wk old kitten so we adopted him
  10. Astarti

    Help Cat Driving Me Crazy

    My cat Freddie has a destructive thing going on, he destroys everything, he will scratch the wall paper, when we play with him he will bite and draw blood, he bites stuff to completely destroy it, he has toys he has destroyed the carpet in the hall way even when I have put pepper down, I am...