Search Results

  1. 08lisa77

    Two Cats Peeing Everywhere...could Use Some Advice

    I’m following this thread! Although my 2 cats are male and my one female doesn’t cause issues, it’s still very similar. I’m having to throw out my beautiful couch today :( I’ve tried everything but Leo is destroying my home!! I’m
  2. 08lisa77

    Help!! Leo Is Urinating On My Furniture Again

    I want to add that our current home is over 3,300 sq ft. The new Home is only 1,920 sq ft so maybe it won’t be so overwhelming? Or is this just me lying to myself that things will get better?
  3. 08lisa77

    Help!! Leo Is Urinating On My Furniture Again

    I’ve had this issue w him for over a year, which started after my son was born, then after the House was put on the market (strangers in and out as much as 3x a day) and now that we’re moving. I put an extra litter box in the house and put him on Prozac and nothing seems to work! He destroyed my...
  4. 08lisa77

    Cats Drinking Tap Water

    I just get nervous bc I know it’s not suggested that we drink the water so I’m sure it can’t be good for them. They are so obsessed w the sinks thought. Every time I open the door downstairs Cinnamon comes running! It doesn’t matter if he was napping or what he was doing, he busts in the door...
  5. 08lisa77

    Cats Drinking Tap Water

    Thank you!! I live in North Florida so I don’t think the water content is good at all. I will check out the water fountain though. That’s actually a great idea! That’s why I love this site lol
  6. 08lisa77

    Cats Drinking Tap Water

    Hi! My cats are obsessed w jumping on bathroom counters and having me turn the faucet on so they can drink from it. However, tap water has dangerous chemicals so I worry if I should make them stop. If anyone has any info about this subject, please give me some advice. Thanks!
  7. 08lisa77

    Help I’ve Tried Everything!

    What type of food you you use? Also, do you filter their water? I assume public water is terrible for us, so I’m sure it is for the kitty’s too. They like to drink from the sink and I’m hesitant. Just curious about your thoughts and the type of wet/dry food you’re using. Thanks!
  8. 08lisa77

    Help I’ve Tried Everything!

    That it True. He must feel better since he hasn’t gone outside the litter box since. I’m still amazed! Every day I’m thrilled compared to before, where everyday before my coffee I’d be cleaning up something. Horrible way to start a day lol! I didn’t realize you can put it in his food. That’s a...
  9. 08lisa77

    Help I’ve Tried Everything!

    Really? I had an overweight cat and when I started using the self feeders she lost weight bc I think that she felt she didn’t have to scarf her food down bc it was always there. She passed away before I got my boys. This concept isn’t working out that well for them bc they are overweight. When I...
  10. 08lisa77

    Help I’ve Tried Everything!

    Hey! I wanted to give it a few days to be sure. I also tried giving him wet food but wanted that to be temporary since he’s pretty overweight. I gave him wet food plus Prozac for about 4 days then stopped giving him wet food and he has not gone outside the litter box since! I thought I needed a...
  11. 08lisa77

    Help I’ve Tried Everything!

    I’m really greatful for this website! These are awesome suggestions that I haven’t heard. I hope more people go on here instead of giving up on their kitty’s. I would never but I see many do and it’s not right.
  12. 08lisa77

    Help I’ve Tried Everything!

    Maggie, I gave him a canned food yesterday and he hasn’t gone outside his little box!! So between this and the Prozac, I hope it’s resolved
  13. 08lisa77

    Help I’ve Tried Everything!

    I’m picking up his prozac today!! Despite my vet trying to talk me out of it bc she said it might not work but I’ve seen on here that it does so I hope it works wonders here too. How long did it take to start working?
  14. 08lisa77

    Help I’ve Tried Everything!

    I think the cat attract litters are litter plus cat nip? They’re expensive but I wonder if I could just buy cat nip? I think I’m gonna try the Prozac and hope I have luck but, yes we are trying to sell the home so funny you mention. Would that cause him to behave more territorial w the other...
  15. 08lisa77

    Help I’ve Tried Everything!

    I’ve been trying to get him on Prozac but the vets wanna charge a million dollars before they prescribe. Did it make your kitty lethargic? Just curious. Also, it stopped him from going outside his box? When you weened him off, did his old behaviors come back? I’m gonna try this bc yes, I’ve...
  16. 08lisa77

    Help I’ve Tried Everything!

    Really? This is something I have not tried! My older kitty eats canned food separate from Leo and his brother, but I will definitely try it! You never know, right? Thanks so much
  17. 08lisa77

    Help I’ve Tried Everything!

    i have a 1 1/2 old male tabby that I rescued along w his brother after my kitty passed away. I have a 10 yr old short hair black female too. These two males were always wild and I got them neutered, but one is really dominant. The other has been sticking up for himself lately plus I have a new...