Search Results

  1. C

    Need Advice On Whether To Keep A Stray Or Not - With Existing Cat In House

    Hi all, We've had our cat Linon, a 2yr old rescue kitty, 9 months. When she came to us she was a scaredy-cat, didn't come out of her starting room for a month, we didn't even see anything more than eyes in an igloo for the first fortnight! Now she is affectionate and will come to us and miaow...
  2. C

    New And Very Scared Rescue Kitty With Some Conjunctivitis - Advice Needed!

    Hello all, New to the board but I've seen some really helpful threads here so I'm hoping for some advice. On Saturday we adopted a new kitty from a shelter. In the few days we've had her, she's spent all her time hidden from us in an igloo, which is pretty much as expected. I've already...