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    Hepatic Lipidosis

    Thank you...:bigeyes:
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    Saying Goodbye To Crabby Abbey

    Thank you all for your kind words. Yes, she was indeed spirited! Knowing this helped my decision. She loved to climb and she loved to play hide and seek with her catnip toy. Once I knew she was not going to be able to do the things she enjoyed, I knew it was time to release her from this world...
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    Saying Goodbye To Crabby Abbey

    Today I said goodbye to Abbey. She got the name Crabby because when she was younger, she was always attacking our legs and she hated to be cuddled. As she aged, and probably because she was sick, she became my cuddle buddy. She would cuddle with me at tv time and she would sleep between my...
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    Hepatic Lipidosis

    I’m sad to say that today Abbey crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. It turns out she had an aggressive form of cancer. It did not show up on her x-rays in November, but, today, they could barely make out her organs due to the mass. I could not see making her suffer any longer. Thank you all for...
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    15 Month Battle Comes To An End

    Im so sorry about your Chloe. Such a hard thing, yet love does not allow others to suffer. Hugs to you and may you find comfort in knowing that she is now free to run and play. I have a picture of my Abbey doing what she loved best, chasing birds, and that’s how I want to remember her.
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    Hepatic Lipidosis

    I mixed the Nutrical with her food in the syringe and she would eat the Stella and Chewy nuggets...just not enough to give her the calories she needed. She seemed to eat well until after her first meal and then her whole demeanor would change and she would become lethargic and, though she wasn’t...
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    Hepatic Lipidosis

    She went through a lot of stress when we moved. She originally thought to have IBD and after trying various meds she ended up on Prednisolone. She was doing well so I decided to start switching her to a raw diet, which she loved. I tried the Instinct Raw Boost Rabbit (which also has a lot of...
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    Hepatic Lipidosis

    Late last week, Abbey started looking jaundiced. The vet suggested we insert an esophageal tube. She had a decent weekend, was begging for food in the morning. After several morning feedings she went into condo and stayed there the rest of the day. She only came out when I took her out to feed...
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    Instinct Raw Boost: Is It Okay For Food Allergies?

    I just started Abbey on the Stella and Chewy Duck Duck Goose. She’s not a fan of it with the water, but absolutely loves it straight out of the bag. She drinks plenty of water so that isn’t an issue. No vomiting, no diarrhea. It’s a little pricey, but it’s worth seeing my kitty feel better. I...
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    Ibd And Prednisolone

    So, I tried introducing Instinct Raw Boost Rabbit into Abbey’s diet. After about three days she broke out in food allergies. I took her to the vet and he gave her Clavamax. Of course, this made her nauseated and difficult to get her to eat. I also noticed she would vomit shortly after I gave her...
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    Instinct Raw Boost: Is It Okay For Food Allergies?

    It’s so difficult when most of the foods they eat are the allergy culprits. I’m having a hard time finding one Abbey likes that doesn’t include chicken or fish.
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    Instinct Raw Boost: Is It Okay For Food Allergies?

    My Abbey loves the Raw Boost Rabbit, but after introducing it, she had a terrible allergic reaction. The vet said it was probably from the pork and not necessarily the rabbit, but had to eliminate it until we can figure which is causing her grief.
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    Comment by 'Cojakama' in article '11 Key Facts About Food Allergies In Cats'

    My cat was on a Friskies diet for the first six years and ate every protein/flavor available. After doing some research I decided to switch to a grain free diet. After about three months on the new diet she started vomiting. In the meantime we had a major move and she started showing signs of...
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    Possible Food Allergy

    I’m also caring for my disabled husband so I do not want to have to worry about making er food.
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    Possible Food Allergy

    I’m trying to introduce more foods. The vet wants her to stay away from chicken due to inflammatory issues. It’s hard to find anything w/o chicken or eggs so I want to have options in case they discontinue the food she likes or in case there is a problem with the brand.
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    Possible Food Allergy

    For those with cats which have food allergies... I was wondering how long after introducing a new food did you notice allergy symptoms? I’m trying to switch my cat, Abbey, over to a limited diet. I started adding the new protein to her food a couple of days ago and now I’m seeing red patches on...
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    Ibd And Prednisolone

    I tried to give her just a small amount of the rabbit because she loves it. I didn’t realize that my husband had been giving her treats as well. It was simply too much for her system to take. She had a rough night, but she seems back to normal today. I won’t be doing that again! Live and learn.
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    Ibd And Prednisolone

    Abbey seems to have been doing well on the Prednisolone. She was eating about a can and a half a day. I decided to give her some of a different protein and it has not been well. Bad mommy.... I’m waiting for it to get out of her system so hopefully she will stabilize again.
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    Ibd And Prednisolone

    Update... As of today, Abbey has been eating her wet food at her regular meal times. She only eats the wet food and is up to 11/2 small cans per day. She has not touched the kibble so I’m not sure if she has an aversion to it or she just doesn’t like it. It’s a limited ingredient food w/o...
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    Ibd And Prednisolone

    Last night, Abbey found the bag of kibble I put aside to take to our local cat rescue. She wasn’t able to get in the bag, but I took this as a sign that her appetite is returning. I noticed she had eaten the bowl of turkey I had given her. This morning, at pill time, she was hiding. So, I poured...