Search Results

  1. Prunie's Mom

    Help! My Mama Cat Has Milk Fever, The Kittens Are Not Gaining W/kmr

    Not this Mama! She is Obsessed and weird! For the entire 5 weeks I had her before the kids were born.... She bit me and scratched me every time I pet her..... When she went into labor.... she was my best friend and so sweet.... and was like that to this day..... But I would catch her biting...
  2. Prunie's Mom

    Help! My Mama Cat Has Milk Fever, The Kittens Are Not Gaining W/kmr

    She is good..... She survived with no fluids last night.... They said I could take her home, but I'm keeping her at the vet's for a couple more days... The Doctor said she should not feed anymore.... But she needs to recouperate so that she can get her shots and get spayed..... if she comes...
  3. Prunie's Mom

    Help! My Mama Cat Has Milk Fever, The Kittens Are Not Gaining W/kmr

    GREAT NEWS! And I cant' thank you enough for your help! I weighed them this morning at 9:30 after a few correct feedings...... They all gained weight..... I just weighed them again at 7:30..... They all gained weight!!!! The biggest one even reached 1 lb.!!! I feel so much better.... a...
  4. Prunie's Mom

    Help! My Mama Cat Has Milk Fever, The Kittens Are Not Gaining W/kmr

    Oh my Gosh!!!!! I was soooooo off! No wonder they are loosing weight.... I mean..... Thanks to their Mom for fattening them up when she could..... so this is fixable..... I mean, they still look/behave like cute little kittens....... but Thanks to you for taking the time to spell this out for...
  5. Prunie's Mom

    Help! My Mama Cat Has Milk Fever, The Kittens Are Not Gaining W/kmr

    Thanks for your help and your time.... I really appreciate it! Mom has "Milk Fever" aka Eclampsia...... which is all about her body unable to produce calcium. Her calcium is being administered right now via IV..... at the vets office The kittens weights as of 2:00 today..... (They are 3 weeks...
  6. Prunie's Mom

    Help! My Mama Cat Has Milk Fever, The Kittens Are Not Gaining W/kmr

    Hi- Mama kitty has been given Calcium and Fluids.... for all I know.... She did have a fever of 105 and they told me today it was normal while she was on fluids...... I didn't ask about antibiotics..... I have the paperwork..... in the car I will look..... But they told me she would not be...
  7. Prunie's Mom

    Help! My Mama Cat Has Milk Fever, The Kittens Are Not Gaining W/kmr

    Also.... I did give my Mama Cat Prunie a dish of KMR every day for a while..... she drank some one day..... then she stopped... so I put it on top of the Royal Canin loaf kitten food.... she would eat a little.... but if i didn't put it on there she would eat it better.... so I stopped. I think...
  8. Prunie's Mom

    Help! My Mama Cat Has Milk Fever, The Kittens Are Not Gaining W/kmr

    The kittens will be 3 weeks tomorrow. Last night Prunie was SICK...went to ER.... "Eclampsia" sp? Milk Fever. She stayed over night w/fluids... transferred to vet... staying tonight w/fluids. They will take her off fluids overnight to see how she is tomorrow. I messed up because I stopped...
  9. Prunie's Mom

    When Do You Know To Supplement The Milk?

    Thank you so much for this info!!! I'm shocked that the vet's don't mention this stuff. I know a place here who sells Goats milk.... it's a farm that sells all their stuff..... and the egg shells!!!!! I'm doing that one too! Never would I have imagined..... Thank you so much, I really...
  10. Prunie's Mom

    When Do You Know To Supplement The Milk?

    Wow! I'm so glad you told me that! Nobody told me that! Thank you soooooo much! Years ago I helped feed some baby squirells for our local Wildlife person...... and she told me to only feed the powdered KMR.... not the canned..... and I never knew why....... and now..... I see there is a...
  11. Prunie's Mom

    When Do You Know To Supplement The Milk?

    Thanks.... but I've also seen where people say to give a Cat Mom KMR..... so I've bought canned KMR and powder KMR.... just in case...... but when do they need that? Do they need that?
  12. Prunie's Mom

    When Do You Know To Supplement The Milk?

    Thanks Alpha Cat! Thanks for your affirmation! This is all new to me, and I feel like an idiot...... but this forum has helped me so much..... Thank you thank you thank you!
  13. Prunie's Mom

    When Do You Know To Supplement The Milk?

    I've been feeding her Royal Canin kitten food... wet and dry...... She does come out of her room sometimes and eats my other cats food..... Purina Cat Chow..... does it really matter? Because the Royal Canin is so much more expensive.... but maybe now it's more important since the babies are...
  14. Prunie's Mom

    When Do You Know To Supplement The Milk?

    These are the little guys we are talking about......
  15. Prunie's Mom

    When Do You Know To Supplement The Milk?

    Thank you! I think you are right... and I think me coming into her room is just making her more nervous at this point..... I'm trying to give her the space she needs.... And I know that I'm a nervous nelly about these things...... she can feel my energy..... I really feel like I just had...
  16. Prunie's Mom

    When Do You Know To Supplement The Milk?

    I am new at this.... but I did weigh them. I don't know if this is too early to tell..... but they were born and got home at 7am July 11.... and I weighed them.... and weighed them again today, July 12 at 11 am. They all gained.... but only 3 gained 6-9 oz.... the low 3 were .4, .4, and .5...
  17. Prunie's Mom

    When Do You Know To Supplement The Milk?

    Hi all.... I've been looking to this Forum throughout my newly adopted Cat's pregnancy. She just had 6 kittens yesterday morning, July 11th. She is young, maybe one year old and up until yesterday, she was very "Bite-y.... scratch-y" to me.... So I've been concerned about the babies when they...