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  3. zephyer78

    laser pointers?

    thanks for all the responses..I'm glad I'm not the only one with a cat crazy for them. I like the ideas about running it under something with treats and actign like it "got away". I also think she know it's me because if I turn it off she looks at me like "why did you do that?"
  4. zephyer78

    laser pointers?

    So what are everyones thoughts on using a laser pointer as toy? My ex boyfriend got one for Autumn and she LOVES it! Also my son loves to play with her with it....but....I can't help but feel kind of bad for her. She never gets that little red dot! If I am playing with her, I put the dot one...
  5. zephyer78

    does anyone else have cats that come when they're called?

    Autumn will usually come running...unless she is busy, then she comes a saunturing in
  6. zephyer78

    tips for a lonely kitty?

    thanks for the tips! she does have some windows to look out of, and I will try the thing with putting treats in a toy and leaving some music on in the house
  7. zephyer78

    tips for a lonely kitty?

    So we just moved to the Houston area from IL. Autumn went from a house with two dogs, (who she loved to play with, sleep with, etc.) to a house whers she is the only pet. She seems to be adjusting pretty well -eating, using her box, even finding her favorite "spots" in the new house. The...
  8. zephyer78

    we made it!

    we made it! Autumn and I got in yesterday about 4pm, what a looong drive! She was a great little rider, though I think she was pretty tired of the carrier by the second day. She is happily exploring her new home!
  9. zephyer78

    Pedi Paws?

    we had one of them for our dogs, it took forever to get the nail worn down and is very loud...wouldn't recommend it
  10. zephyer78

    the big move

    Well, this is it. On Saturday Autumn and I leave for TX. We will have an 18 hr. drive ahead of us. I have a carrier, some new toys, some food and water, a leash and harness, and the name of three pet friendly hotels along the way. I am excited and nervous about the move! I'll update when we...
  11. zephyer78

    clipping claws nessecary?

    Hi everyone, I was wondering about clipping claws. I don't clip Autumn's, she is really good about only scratching on her posts, and she rarely scratches me (if she does it is usually my fault for iniating rough play). I also like how it looks when the claws are left long. My question is: are...
  12. zephyer78

    How do you keep a cat out of kitten food?

    Could you switch them to adult dry and supplement them with kitten while Thomas is in a diffrent room?
  13. zephyer78


    I like to call Autumn "why I auter..." if she is being bad, mostly I just call her Autumn when she is being good or pretty girl or autumnprettykitty
  14. zephyer78

    Different purrs

    I love this thread!.. There is something about a cat purring that makes all right with the world. It is super soothing to me. Autumn has a soft purr (more like a vibrate) for when I pet her when she is behind me on the couch, and a bit louder when she is around my shoulders. Her loudest is...
  15. zephyer78

    so what is it with cats and toilet paper?

    lol Dave, With mine it's paper towel rolls..she can't stay away frome them! If she didn't look so cute all hugged up around the role doing her "ferocious predator" thing, I would take them away, but everytime I see her do it I laugh..she tried so hard to subdue her "prey" I just don't have the...