Recent Content by Whiteknucklzz

  1. Whiteknucklzz

    Adopted Too Soon?/"wrong Fit For Cat/human"?

    I had to go though a similar experience recently. One of my 2 cats had to be put down to sleep in late June because his kidneys shut down completely. His name was Cupcake, his photo is in my profile picture. I had him for almost 10 years and he truly was my best friend. I was a mess for a whole...
  2. Whiteknucklzz

    Panicking After Adopting A Cat. Need Advice

    Yes, that was what I had in mind. I actually tried to leave Phillip alone in a room with the open crate but he never went inside. He actually doesn't like to be in boxes, cat houses and other confined spaces. I'm going to try to put some treats inside the crate.
  3. Whiteknucklzz

    Panicking After Adopting A Cat. Need Advice

    I only tried to alternate rooms. I wasn't sure it would be a good idea to put Phillip in the crate because he's a bit psycho but everyone seems to recommend it. I think I need to familiarize him with the idea of being in a crate first and then let the new cat near the crate.
  4. Whiteknucklzz

    Panicking After Adopting A Cat. Need Advice

    I'm going to keep doing that for at least a month I think. Seems like Phillip will need A LOT of time to calm down. Unfortunately I live in Russia..
  5. Whiteknucklzz

    Panicking After Adopting A Cat. Need Advice

    Thank you for your detailed answer! I got some calming drops for Phillip yesterday. They are all natural ingredients and the vet approves. So for now I'll let them interact through a screen door which I'm going to install or through the crate. I'm already letting my new cat explore the apartment...
  6. Whiteknucklzz

    Panicking After Adopting A Cat. Need Advice

    I tried to put the crate in a living room with my resident cat yesterday but he wan't interested. I'll try this again today and maybe put some toys or treats inside the crate. I hope mine will end up as yours, maybe not best buddies but at least not enemies. Your kitties look very cute. Are they...
  7. Whiteknucklzz

    Panicking After Adopting A Cat. Need Advice

    Yeah I thought about getting one. They are quite expensive here but I think I'll be able to get one in November. Have you personally had any experience with them? I saw mixed reviews on the internet. My new cat is staying in a separate room for now.
  8. Whiteknucklzz

    Panicking After Adopting A Cat. Need Advice

    I've attached a photo of a cat "date". This is how it usually ends. My resident cats lays near a crate and refuses to move. The newcomer starts to get angry because he wants to get out. If you look at this picture you may think that everything looks good but I assure you that my resident cat is...
  9. Whiteknucklzz

    Panicking After Adopting A Cat. Need Advice

    Thank you for your replies guys! Finally someone other than me thinking it all can work out. I'm under a constant pressure from my colleagues who are asking every day if the cats are friends yet. Their advice is just to put the two of them together and everything will be fine miraculously. If...
  10. Whiteknucklzz

    Panicking After Adopting A Cat. Need Advice

    Hey fellow cat lovers! I need your advice/help/support. First of all I would like to say that English is not my native language so I apologize in advance for any mistakes. I need some help with my newly adopted cat. Here is some background information. I lost my 10 year old kitty in June to...