Recent Content by WarszawaScream

  1. WarszawaScream

    Feline diabetes advice?

    Hey all! So this isn’t about one of my cats, but about Alice who belongs to a good friend and housemate of mine. She’s about 6-8 years old and was just diagnosed with diabetes; two years ago she had been tested and came up negative, so it appears to be a recent development. Behaviorally there...
  2. WarszawaScream

    Swimming in water bowl & knocking it over

    My sweet little 5 month old menace of a kitten, Elliott, has decided that the water dish is his personal swimming pool and is not content until he has either splashed all the water out of it or tipped the bowl completely over. I switched from an auto-waterer to a fountain thinking that might...
  3. WarszawaScream

    Pls, I need flea help.

    Slow and steady wins the race; it’s just a matter of keeping myself on track with the daily or every-other-day vacuuming, which…. I have ADHD, so keeping myself on any track is a monumental task 😭 But so far so good; I haven’t seen any adult fleas in some days now and combing the kittens every...
  4. WarszawaScream

    Pls, I need flea help.

    So I DID end up ordering some Wondercide, thanks for the tip - the Cedarwood one doesn’t have any of the oils I was concerned about. Definitely going to use that outside in conjunction with the d. earth (which only works as long as it doesn’t rain or otherwise get wet.) The couch sadly doesn’t...
  5. WarszawaScream

    Pls, I need flea help.

    Thanks so much, really appreciate you (and everyone else who commented!) Sadly I can’t brush momma, she’s the “look but don’t you DARE TOUCH” indoor feral type, but I’m flea-combing the kittens once a day with the blue dawn comb soak to keep an eye on the situation. All the kittens, my...
  6. WarszawaScream

    Pls, I need flea help.

    Ok so TL;DR I’ve got my 6 year old resident cat who has her own suite, a 12 year old mutt, and downstairs a rescue momma and her four kittens (three months old). All cats are indoors only; momma and the kits were flea free when I brought them in. Husband just forgot his dog’s flea treatment...
  7. WarszawaScream

    Home-made with wild caught ocean fish?

    I was perusing the pinned posts and looking at nutritional information, and I was just curious - what’s the general opinion on making home-made cooked food with wild-caught ocean fish? (Definitely not lake fish, I wouldn’t even eat those myself; too many contaminants.) I’m a fisherman with the...
  8. WarszawaScream

    Any temporary liquid diet tips?

    Hey everybody! Wanted to come by with another update and happy ending: the Rude man has made a FANTASTIC recovery! As of three days ago he has completely stopped shunning wet food, and he’s gained over a pound and a half since Monday morning. No more vomiting, no more icky poops, he’s back to...
  9. WarszawaScream

    Any temporary liquid diet tips?

    The vet actually didn’t see anything to indicate he had mouth or throat pain, so he may have just been reacting to the fact that eating was making him feel sick :( Poor little man. I spoke to the vet this morning, bloodwork all came back good, white blood cells were a bit elevated so as a...
  10. WarszawaScream

    Any temporary liquid diet tips?

    All right, little Rude dude and I are home, boy howdy them “free” kittens get expensive! XD (Already knew that was a thing, not momma Warzy’s first feral kitten rodeo lol) My scale at home IS accurate and he did lose some weight, about 1/4lb which is a lot for a little guy. Doc asked me what...
  11. WarszawaScream

    Any temporary liquid diet tips?

    GOOD CALL, I actually didn’t think about that. Little man is going to the vet at 1:15 today, I’m bringing the poop I have just to be on the safe side and then I’ll see if I can get a fresher turd tonight and drop that deuce off in the morning. (Gosh, raising kittens is so glamorous!) Gave him...
  12. WarszawaScream

    Any temporary liquid diet tips?

    LMAO yeah I’m not the biggest on putting the bagged turds next to the groceries in the fridge either! I have it double-bagged in Ziploc freezer bags for now, they open at 8am tomorrow so I’m going to see if I can run it down to them before I go to work. Just took a nap with lil man Rude on...
  13. WarszawaScream

    Any temporary liquid diet tips?

    Thanks for the advice guys, really appreciate it! I left a message for my vet about the situation and I’ve been keeping an eye on the little man - he IS now grazing on kibble (I always have a full feeder of kibble available to them), jumps on Momma Cat whenever she’s allowing them some Teet...
  14. WarszawaScream

    Any temporary liquid diet tips?

    Hey y’all - so one of my 11-ish week old kittens seems to have an ouchie in his mouth, he’s drinking lots of water but any time he eats anything, even of Churu or baby food consistency, he does that twisty-head tongue flicking like it hurts and snubs it. So I’m worried about him not getting...
  15. WarszawaScream

    Feral momma & her kittens, need advice!

    Hey all! Just wanted to drop an update - I never did get Momma Missy back into the kennel, and there was no luring Missy into the bathroom either, so we let them have run of the living room area of the basement - it actually turned out fantastically! The kittens have absolutely bloomed with...