Recent Content by TootsieandIrene

  1. TootsieandIrene

    Wound or infection on cat's nose

    Same here with mine. I am not a vet and I’m out of ideas, but good luck and I hope they get better soon :(
  2. TootsieandIrene

    I have had tootsie for 10 years now. She is 16 and I still don’t know what color/breed she is. We always thought calico but she doesn’t have orange

    thank you for your help! Her color has faded a tiny bit but had not changed. I have had her since she was 6 so it is possible it did when she was a kitten. And yes it is a very muted cream orange. Is pointed a breed?
  3. TootsieandIrene

    Wound or infection on cat's nose

    Is he an outdoor cat?