Recent Content by tinysalmon

  1. tinysalmon

    How to show a cat you're upset with her???

    I clean her litter box once, sometimes twice, a day. I recently added a fresh scoop of litter. We plan on changing it this weekend as scheduled. We have left her litter box unchanged for longer than it is now before. I don't think the enclosed litterbox is a problem she just used it this...
  2. tinysalmon

    How to show a cat you're upset with her???

    So today, my cat peed on my bed, twice! The first time, luckily, I had a mattress protector on my duvet, but after i removed it to soak in the tub, she peed again! She is not usually like this. The first time she peed on my bed was when we first got her, but after a long while, she didn't pee...
  3. tinysalmon

    To keep the harness always on or not?

    I wish I knew that before buying our harness lol. 
  4. tinysalmon

    To keep the harness always on or not?

    I'm hoping to train my cat to go outside for walks with a harness and leash in the spring/summer time. So now, while it's cold and snowing outside, I want her to get used to having the harness put on and off, and walk around with it inside the house. 
  5. tinysalmon

    Got a new gate for my kitten, to bad it figure out how to climb it in about 30seconds. Any Suggestio

    I did something like that too to keep my cat upstairs! I just used a leftover large sheet of cardboard from a big box we had. The bend/corner of the box acts as a hinge. We secured it by poking two pairs of holes and tying string through it to tie around a railing spoke. Luckily the length of...
  6. tinysalmon

    Aggressive Behavior, Biting

    You should watch Animal Planet's My Cat from Hell. Your cat's aggressiveness reminds me of the cats featured on the show. Find somewhere on the internet to download it. Anyway, if you can't find it, from what I remember from the show is that you should find creative ways (through playing) to let...
  7. tinysalmon

    To keep the harness always on or not?

    For cat owners who use harnesses, do you always keep it on or do you take it off when you don't need it anymore? I just started putting a harness on my cat. At first she wasn't reacting well to it, but it was probably my fault for not approaching the situation properly. The next couple of...
  8. tinysalmon

    My well behaved cat and boxes!!!!!

    This sort of reminds me of my cat with her scratching post. Sometimes I would scratch it a bit and it would entice her to run over and put all four legs around it and start scratching it as if she is saying "mine mine mine!!" It's funny to watch. And if I were to scratch another area, she would...
  9. tinysalmon

    How long can dry food stay fresh in the bag?

    Thanks guys, I found some big jars in the kitchen and am just using those instead of tupperware. The food fits in two and a half jars, so I think everything is okay now! 
  10. tinysalmon

    Giving my cat olive oil?

    How would I feed olive oil to my cat? I read a couple articles saying it was good for them. Do I mix it in their food? What if she eats dry food? or can give it to plain?  My cat is long-haired, and grooms herself often, so would olive oil help the hair pass through her system so she can poop...
  11. tinysalmon

    Jumping from the second floor to first floor.

    I put a big sheet of cardboard covering the railings she usually hovers around... Just in case! 
  12. tinysalmon

    Walk Your Cat

    Thanks for the article/video! I really want to try walking my cat. I want to start getting her used to the harness and leash inside the house while it's snowing, and come spring/summer, train her to venture outside. 
  13. tinysalmon

    How long can dry food stay fresh in the bag?

    So, I stupidly bought a 13lbs bag of dry cat food for my one cat, thinking I'd be saving money by getting more for my dollar, without even thinking about how long it will stay fresh! Doh!  How long would the food last in the bag?  We have one big air-tight tupperware container for her food...
  14. tinysalmon

    Cat whining about going in the basement

    Lately my cat has been fascinated by going to the basement. We keep the door closed, but she is always hovering around, trying to open the door with her paws repeatedly, sometimes to the point of whining. As much as I would love to make her happy, we cannot allow her in there because of how...
  15. tinysalmon

    Jumping from the second floor to first floor.

    Anyone ever experience their cat jumping from the second floor to the first floor from the stairwell? Our cat always sticks her head through the railing and we're worried she will jump! Plus she would be landing on a set of stairs, so the floor isn't leveled. She should be aware of the stairs as...