Recent Content by stazie

  1. stazie


    We all understand your group photo! Your kitties are so beautiful and obviously well cared for, as are the kitties at the luncheon. The tortie reminds me of my own girl.
  2. stazie


    David68, The only first moves I know for adopting out socialized adult kitties is asking local TV stations and newspapers to highlight them in their Community sections and by asking your local shelters to emphasis the advantages of an adult cat--still playful but uses the scratch post instead of...
  3. stazie

    teaching a stray to use the litter box?

    Putting dirt and leaves on top of whatever litter you use is the way we trained our ferals to use the box. When our kitty had a UTI and started urinating outside the box we used a carpet & room odor eliminator which seemed to soak up the "miss."  A spray of vinegar and water also discourages...
  4. stazie

    White worm in cats poop?!!!

    Also, unfortunately I don't know many vets who will let someone take a sample in without seeing the cat unless you insist that that's what you want, but it usually costs you later.
  5. stazie

    White worm in cats poop?!!!

    Ioana, Just take a fecal sample to your vet and try to stop worrying. If you have children who slept with a wormy cat, wash the sheets, spray Lysol on the mattresses and let it air out, and teach your children good hand-washing techniques; that's always a good technique for all of us anyway.
  6. stazie

    Cat over-eating - how to help a cat with an eating disorder?

    JennyR is so right--Sabbath might play with he ball which gives him exercise and a treat of a tiny bit of dry food at the same time.  Just try to remember that hunger or dieting isn't fun for anyone. When we get hungry we get cross because our sugar levels are out of whack. Sometimes just a...
  7. stazie

    Cat over-eating - how to help a cat with an eating disorder?

    JadeLeaf, I think Bigperm20 has given you excellent advice. Maybe you can try giving Sabbath some vegetables (cooked carrots,cooked frozen green beans and peas) as a snack and slowly back off of all the dry food. And no early morning feedings when you go to the bathroom, starting now. Please...
  8. stazie

    Is "Tortitude" real?

    Stewball, Your new granddaughter is beautiful. Congratulations! My tortie was very loyal and protective of me. She patted my forehead repeatedly once when I came home from a business trip, as if to say "Don't do that again Mom!" She was a special girl.
  9. stazie

    Frustrated! Peeing Cat!! In Desperate need of Help!

    Is Jasmine spayed? If she isn't, do it. And have the dogs fixed too. Unless you are a licensed breeder your pets should be spayed or neutered. If you still have problems after you've done that, and you might since you've allowed all of them to "mark" their spaces, try all of the suggestions...
  10. stazie

    Is "Tortitude" real?

    Our tortie-loving friends should know that just because there isn't evidence for something (myth) doesn't mean it's not true (lie), so while there may not be evidence for tortitude, that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Sorry if you took that as rude.
  11. stazie

    Seemingly healthy 4month old, but mysterious bald patch on his leg?

    Londonople, My husband found a kitten, maybe 5 weeks old, at the rr yard and we spent a lot, LOT of money on him b/c of worms in the first year.  The kitten had a bald spot on his ear which remains today. I wish I had tried ACV and an athlete's foot cream first. If you have a travel inflatable...
  12. stazie

    Do Cats Get Hangry?

    I think cats just get used to their feeding times and their body clocks guide them. My husband feeds the cats and gets up no later than 6 a.m. but the kitties start vocalizing at 5:30 a.m. Our old cat MEOWED, and now that she's gone, the next oldest is starting to do the same, with the youngest...
  13. stazie

    Frustrated! Peeing Cat!! In Desperate need of Help!

    Bonitababy, put a liner in the box, even a garbage bag, so you quit buying boxes. That's wasteful. Scoop the box 2 or 3 times a day. In a month, pull out the liner and put it in your trash, not recycle, bin. Then wash the box, (we use Dawn, no bleach)  wherever you want since the litter in the...
  14. stazie

    Frustrated! Peeing Cat!! In Desperate need of Help!

    Please stop changing the brand or type of litter in Jasmine's box. You said she used the upstairs box but then you changed the litter b/c you didn't like the way it smelled. The point is to find one that Jasmine likes the smell of and uses, not you. Keep scooping twice, or even three times a...