Recent Content by sparkle304

  1. S

    Transdermal Amitriptyline: Kitty has cystitis flare-up

    Thank you for the article and I've switched on some music :)
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    Transdermal Amitriptyline: Kitty has cystitis flare-up

    Hello, My 15 year-old ragdoll was diagnosed with idiopathic cystitis in early August. This diagnosis was based on a urinalysis, x-rays and bloodwork. No crystals or bacteria were found in his urine. Kidney disease was also ruled out. I took him to the vet after noticing an increased use of the...
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    Cat teeth grinding and licking lips

    Just a question - has anyone else had a cat react so strongly to sedation? As I mentioned, he was so anxiety-ridden being sedated and coming out of sedation that he was covered (head to tail) is heavy saliva. He truly looked as if he'd been caught in a downpour; he was literally drenched in his...
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    Cat teeth grinding and licking lips

    Yes, I agree. Thank you for your advice. I'll call my vet tomorrow. The vet did mention that blood work and x-rays may provide limited information if this is a GI issue (I'm unsure why...). She suggested that exploratory procedures may be required, and I'm not sure I want to do that.
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    Cat teeth grinding and licking lips

    I posted a video of his teeth grinding in the media section. My vet doesn't do home visits - I wish she did! The vet thinks it may be acid reflux. She has suggested giving him Omeprazole followed by Cerenia Green. Has anyone had experience with these meds?
  6. Teeth Grinding.mp4

    Teeth Grinding.mp4

  7. Ragdoll


    Teeth Grinding
  8. S

    Cat teeth grinding and licking lips

    Thanks for your advice. I agree. I think he needs to get to the vet. Unfortunately, Gabapetin does nothing for him. It actually seems to increase his anxiety to the point that the vet can't even get near him :(
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    Cat teeth grinding and licking lips

    Thanks in advance for any help and suggestions. I have a 13 year old ragdoll (I've attached a pic) that has recently started to grind his teeth and I've noticed he's also licking his lips more frequently. The teeth grinding is quite loud and usually occurs in the early morning (around 6 am)...
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    anesthesia - effects cats

    I have the same concern. I've been told that it's very hard on their bodies. My cat becomes like a rabid animal when he goes to the vet :(    His next vet appointment is today and I'm giving him a dose of gabapentin which is supposed to sedate and relax him. I hope it works, but I'm nervous...
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    Kitty acne? Or something else?

    I need some advice. I think my 7 year old cat has acne. I've noticed black specks on his fur and skin under his chin. I believe these are specks of dried blood from irritation from the acne. I use ceramic bowls that are washed in hot water before  every use.  I'm fairly certain it's not flea...
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    Fleas poop or black heads?

    I've recently noticed a lot of black specks of dirt (?) or flea poop (?) under my cat's chin. How do I determine what it is? I've searched his body for other signs of fleas but haven't found any. He's not scratching or showing any signs of discomfort. Unfortunately, taking him to the vet is a...