Recent Content by snowyowl1

  1. S

    Options For Uncontrolled Hyperthyroidism

    I don't live in the United States.Heard from another clinic that this treatment was cheaper than ten thousand. I still can't afford it even if it is three thousand.
  2. S

    Options For Uncontrolled Hyperthyroidism

    I stated in my initial post that I already tried the food option. He had some other dry food accidently a few days before a blood test. He tested hyper. after 2 months on all food treatment except for the forementioned time. He didn't like the taste of the food much. Thanks anyway silken paw.
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    Options For Uncontrolled Hyperthyroidism

    Thanks Daisy. The reason I can't do it is because of the cost. I couldn't even borrow that kind of money !
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    Options For Uncontrolled Hyperthyroidism

    Thanks for this info.
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    Options For Uncontrolled Hyperthyroidism

    Radioactive iodine is extremely expensive ! I was told it would cost about ten thousand dollars including the hospital stay time. I would do it though, if I could. I don't have anything to sell worth ten thousand. My cat is very likely allergic to the medicine. I wouldn't get surgery done. I...
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    Options For Uncontrolled Hyperthyroidism

    Oops, sorry -Meaning to ask catwoman707 this question
  7. S

    Options For Uncontrolled Hyperthyroidism

    Vet suggested lower dose liquid form but will ask him about ear gel form. Thanks. Did you cat experience ANY side effects on this drug ?
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    Options For Uncontrolled Hyperthyroidism

    Thanks so much for giving me some guidelines by which to decide when "it's that time". Wasn't sure how to decide this and I keep going back and forth - for or against. Don't know of any other med. that's available here.
  9. S

    Options For Uncontrolled Hyperthyroidism

    Hyperthyroidism can cause cardiomyopathy in cats. 2.5 mg twice daily. Dose was too high, when retested he was hypo. Allergic reaction was lots of scratching, a lick granuola on his thigh from licking it so much, and bleeding raw skin near the ear from scratching alot.
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    Options For Uncontrolled Hyperthyroidism

    Hyperthyroidism is a condition that speeds up the metabolic rate of all organs eventually wearing them out. My sick cat has been on a higher fibre diet, dry and wet food - Royal Canin.
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    Options For Uncontrolled Hyperthyroidism

    My cats names are Timmy and Morris.There are no other medications available where I live.
  12. S

    Options For Uncontrolled Hyperthyroidism

    My cat got another t4 test for hyperthyroidism. He should have tested below 40 and he is at 58, so he is hyperthyroid. He was allergic to tapazole so I tried him on hyperthyroid food for two months but he ate a little of the other cat's food so the vet said that may be why he tested high.I think...
  13. S

    Muscle Wasting

    If anyone knows of a animal based protein powder without ANY iron in it at all and made for cats kindly please let me know !
  14. S

    Muscle Wasting
