Recent Content by seniorcatmom

  1. seniorcatmom

    My cat ate a sandwich!

    My 14 year old ate almost a whole sandwich during the day while I was at work. Multi grain, turkey, cheese, lettuce, mayo. She is now looking like she doesn't feel well - big surprise - and she's drinking a lot of water. She's a small cat so this was a lot of food for her. Her belly looks...
  2. seniorcatmom

    Gut issues: Deciding whether to give my cat steroids (prednisolone)

    First - lucky kitty to have you! I have a 14 year that I adopted at 13. She had IBD and was recently diagnosed with lymphoma. She threw up every day and had runny stool. She was losing weight fast. The vet put her on prednisolone and within a couple of days, stopped throwing up and stool...
  3. seniorcatmom

    another crazy cat lady question (s)

    I don't celebrate birthdays but my cats do have a stocking for toys. They are especially fond of the crocheted otopus toys stuffed with catnip. Also, my sister and I always include toys for each other's cats when we mail our gifts to each other. I have 3 senior girls and she has 7 young boys...
  4. seniorcatmom

    Winnie and Ophelia Parting Ways Soon :(

    Here's the thing. When we take on the responsibility to take care of our kitties, we are supposed to make the best decisions for them. I would take the high road and offer your roommate both cats. I KNOW it willI break your heart, (I know it would mine) but you'll understand what's going on...