Recent Content by minlee

  1. minlee

    Keeping her out of the xmas tree...

    My cats did the same thing they get the ornaments and then bent the bottom branches.  I hate when that happens..
  2. Cat.jpg


  3. cat.gif


  4. minlee

    Siamese behavior

    My white cat might have some siamese in her half the time i can't get her to shut up lol...
  5. minlee

    My male cat has a crush on me

    I told my husband when your mean I will leave you for tiger... Tiger is just sweet he laid with me when I wasn't feeling good yesterday.
  6. minlee

    Anyone Own a Scottish Fold?

    Scottish folds are very neat looking cats. Welcome to TCS!!
  7. minlee

    My male cat has a crush on me

    Cat crushes how cute. Tiger I think wishes I were a cat lol
  8. minlee

    My male cat has a crush on me

    Ok this is odd. He has been following me everywhere lately. Also been following me from room to room. When i sit on the couch he sits on the arm of the couch and i sit close to him. I turn to look at him and he kisses and licks me and nudges me. I get up he is there. He constantly has been...
  9. minlee

    How do cats wake you up?

    LOL that's too funny!!!!!!! Cats crack me up
  10. minlee

    Cat ages

    Cats are fixed so she definately has a crazy cat personality like a pain in the butt teen
  11. minlee


    Hey there nice to meet you!!!! Welcome to the forum!!!!
  12. minlee

    How do cats wake you up?

    A cat in love with the blanket lol...Now that one I can guess. Does he think it's a cat or another furry animal? That is too funny...
  13. minlee

    How do cats wake you up?

    Tiger head butts me to get up he did it this morning Snowy Meows loud and bangs paws on the door. Cats have their ways of getting your attention...
  14. minlee

    not feeling too great today :(

    Yes go to the doctor. Hope you get well
  15. minlee

    Cat ages

    Bumped need advice. I have never in my life had cats until now. So I know this question may seem stupid