Recent Content by luvslive

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  5. L

    Slightly embarrassing feline problem

    Thank you all for your quick responses! She is spayed, yes. No odor was noticeable. Perhaps it is an infection of the anal glands? I am glad I have her appt with the vet on Friday!
  6. L

    Slightly embarrassing feline problem

    My 3 year old female cat has an "issue"..when I petted her stomach (she loves to be petted) some white goo came out of her back side. I was horrified! Is this something any of you have heard of? She has a vet appt on Friday for vaccinations, so I will bring it up with her vet, but wanted to...
  7. L

    Mr Kitty Pooh Poohs posing

    These pictures really capture his snuggly-ness..too cute!
  8. L

    Round Worm Questions

    Hi All, My cat vomited up a long worm, yuck! Took the worm to the vet to be ID'd and it is round worm. The vet got me some Strongid T to administer to my 5 felines now and again in 2 weeks. Are there any other measures I should take to make sure the worms stay away? Is there any way humans...
  9. L

    Anyone like German food? Here's the link to my hometown church's cookbook with a list of common foods. They call the kuchen "wedding kuchen" if that helps the translation.
  10. L

    Anyone like German food?

    great discussion. I am a "German from Russia" and have eaten all kinds of great German-Russian cuisine. My family lives in the "Sauerkraut Capital of the World", my hometown Wishek, North Dakota. Once a year, in October, people come from far and wide to eat sauerkraut and wieners..go figure...
  11. L

    Spa Select Wet Food Recall???

    The only thing they recalled, voluntarily, was a kitten wet food. I believe everything else should have been available still.
  12. L

    Mousies under the Fridge,

    haha, too funny. I love the spongebob tag, too.
  13. L

    Another day with Rosie and Sophie!

    Wow! What clear, beautiful pictures. Your cats are really darling.
  14. L

    Isnt she so cute!

    their meows are just too cute! nice looking little kitties!
  15. L

    Bored! Name your 3 Fave bands/artists

    1. tori 2. pj harvey 3. live (i don't really love their recent stuff..but their throwing copper cd makes up for that) other stuff i could listen to a good deal: metallica, kate bush, joni mitchell, bjork, grunge bands (soundgarden, AIC, etc)