Recent Content by lunacatmom

  1. lunacatmom

    Scabs And Squinting And Spraying, Oh My!

    My kitten Luna is over a year old now and we've had her since she was about two months old and the entire time we've had her she's been a bit bumpy. In fact, I made a post about this last summer. On the bottom of this post is pictures and a more concise list of her symptoms in chronological...
  2. lunacatmom

    Skin Infection?

    I want to also note: Luna the kitten has been behaving fairly normally. She doesn't limp. I've never seen her scratch at any of the bumps. She eats normally. She's very active and loves to cuddle (unless she isn't in the mood, then she'll loudly let you know). She drinks plenty of water. The...
  3. lunacatmom

    Skin Infection?

    My family got a new kitten about a month ago, she's about 5 months old now. She has slight bumps on the front of her body--on her front leg, on the bridge of her nose, behind her ears, and around her collar region. They're kind of crusty and sometimes scabby but the fur is there. New bumps pop...