Recent Content by lmgluvscats

  1. L

    Do Cats Have Periods?

    I am going to get on this ASAP. One good thing is that all my cats are inside cats, so I don't have to worry about any of them becoming pregnant. I guess that's why I have been lax in getting these last 3 spayed. With 17, I've done it in stages. I realize that it is entirely my fault, and I...
  2. L

    Do Cats Have Periods?

    Oh dear God in Heaven! Thank You, thank you so much! I will make an appointment as soon as the holiday is over! I never thought about it being serious as she was so normal and happy! She never showed any sign of stress or discomfort. Again thank you so very much. - Linda who is...
  3. L

    Do Cats Have Periods?

    All of my cats are neutered, but 3...just haven't got it done yet...all females. They are all pure white, so I have always noticed a little drainage during the time of their heat cycle. However, Baby, who is 4 years old has gotten to the point where she leaves slimy reddish brown spots on the...
  4. L

    Sulfodene For Hot Spots On Cats?

    I know it says Sulfodene for dogs....but has anyone used it for your cats' hotspots? I know if we can just keep them from scratching and biting at "those" spots long enough, they would heal up. However, there doesn't seem to be anything out there for cats - only dogs. I have used it on my dogs...
  5. L

    those with cat trees

    We just got our new one today, and our cats were playing with it before we even got it put together. We had to keep chasing them away so we could complete it. We have ours by a big picture window so they can watch everything and everyone passing by can watch them.
  6. L

    those with cat trees

    From the ones that we have, in our experience with our "wild" cats, I would say that they are impossible to tip over. The bottoms are weighted. The tree itself weighs from 70-80 pounds...depending on style...but we have always gotten the 6 to 7 foot size. However, the bottoms are weighted even...
  7. L

    those with cat trees

    I highly recommend Armarkat. Ours has really held up to our 17 cats as they use it during their games of chase....and they run up over it and bounce off of it countless times....and they are not small!!! They have scratched the sisal off some of the poles (after over a year's use) and we were...
  8. L

    those with cat trees

    LOL - Just got through looking at some on eBay and ended up getting another one. 7 feet tall, with another solid base, 3 perches, a ladder, a hole to crawl's gonna be fun for us too!! We got it for only $1.25...of course postage will be $100, but they retail for $319!! However, it...
  9. L

    those with cat trees

    We went through 2 of the cheaper ones-kept getting knocked over and torn up-till we invested in a 7 foot really solid one. The cats play and lay on it EVERY day. I have it in our front picture window, and so many people comment on how cute it is to go by and see them there. In fact, some stop...
  10. L

    Wanted to share this with all of you

    Thanks guys, glad you enjoyed it as much as I did. I liked the part about the non-pet visitors, too. I get so tired of their wrinkly noses at pet hairs! LOVE ME...LOVE MY CATS/PETS.
  11. L

    Kitten trying to nurse on male cat?

    Hi Ghostchant- I agree with Pami. It is just looking for comfort. My cats are of all one family and STILL do it once in awhile. Not really nurse...but "assume" the position and cuddle like that whether male or female. But when they were older kittens...they didn't care where they were at...they...
  12. L

    Wanted to share this with all of you

    I just received this in my e-mail and it suits me to a "T", as I have both cats and dogs..and gave me a good laugh. So thot I would send it along to others who might enjoy it. Have a great day!!! To be posted VERY LOW on the refrigerator door - nose height. Dear Dogs and Cats, The...
  13. L

    Those of you with 2 cats (or more)...

    i guess i got my response in the wrong spot -- sorry. I met to put in as a response to the main message.
  14. L

    Those of you with 2 cats (or more)...

    I have 17 cats and 4 litterboxes, but they are various sizes of plaste crates. One of them is over 10 gal...easy. It takes 3 buckets of litter to fill it. Anyway, they all share and share alike. In fact, I used to have 6 boxes but cut back because they have their favorites, for some reason, and...
  15. L

    Scary Experience..

    Yes I have, and I did exactly what you did. I massaged her throat to help her swallow. On another occasion with another cat, I had to put my finger down his throat.....getting bit in the process...but he was so frightened and I was so frightened, too. I figured I would gag him or force it...